[compost_tea] Ceraels

From: Halstead <halstead_at_mail.telepac.pt>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 20:49:17 +0100

Would you agree that 7,000 acres is large scale?

We use AACT on large scale farms. And for less money than the toxic chemic=
al approach. You have to have someone dedicated to making GOOD tea.

It's do-able, people are doing it, and we are SIGNIFICANTLY reducing the co=
st of farming.

In grains, increases from 80 bu/ac to 140 bu/ac, if you do it right.

But it imeans testing to make sure you are making tea correctly. If you ju=
st ASSUME you are getting fungi, lots of fungal diseases would like to prov=
e to you that you messed up

Doc E.
I have said that I have great faith in AACT and would use in in a cereal o=
peration if still in the business.
I saw the devastating land degradation in the cereal growing areas in WE.&E=
M. Australia in the late 70's and this greatly improved over the years thro=
ugh Minimum Cultivation and before the wider knowledge of AACT.
My concern is still how you control volunteers and weeds without too many c=
ultivations to prevent sheet/wind erosion.
The GM R.up ready crops are frightening in the aspect of how to control the=
 volunteers that are resistant to R.up that did enable Min. Cult.to save fu=
rther degradation.
Your contribution to the immense amount of research and spread of knowled=
ge of AACT is beyond question and recognised where ever CT is practiced.
'It's do-able, people are doing it'
I think that all of us who use AACT in our own small way, and some of us ve=
ry isolated from the source of information are 'DO-ABLE PEOPLE' Not just th=
e 7000a. people.!!

Bill H.

Received on Wed Jul 23 2003 - 17:27:32 EDT

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