Re: [compost_tea] spreader stickers and leaf coverage

From: Shane Gishford <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 05:24:20 +1000 (EST)

Chris & Mike,
Nufilm or Nufilm 17 as I know it sure does stick. In my life before ACT I saw a Jerbra grow spray copper with Nufilm17 and he ended up with blue measels on the flowers. He lost that entire flush as it would not come off.
My understanding is that this is an oil and not a spreader. Maybe you are after a soap based product such as Agral to spread over the shinny rose leaf. The bacteria will glue themselves on the leaf if you get them there. You may have to play around with your spray nozzle type and Pressure to get the required cover of spray.
The last point I would make and maybe Doc Elaine would like to comment is that some Oils are problem with fungi in that it will kill them. There are spray oils promoted as fungicides. I have no proof on this one but I steer clear of any oil based stickers when recommending teas to be sprayed out.
Shane Gishford

Mike Harvey <> wrote:
What rate of Nufilm per litre CT did you use. I have heard nothing but good
reports from people using nufilm. The rate used may have been too low?
Mike Harvey.
----- Original Message -----
From: "chris reid" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 12:05 PM
Subject: [compost_tea] spreader stickers and leaf coverage

> Could some of you experienced folks who know how to get good leaf coverage
> explain spreaders and stickers, and how the leaves should look when well
> covered?
> I used the sticker called Nu-Film at the rate recommended - I thought I'd
> get a slick surface, but the droplets did not coalesce or spread over the
> leaf, and even when the leaves were wet enough to have tea dripping from
> them, still the whole leaf had balls of water. I don't see how I can get
> per cent coverage, especially on the bottom of the leaf, if this is what
> tea is doing on these shiny leaves.
> Should I be using a spreader besides nu film, which calls itself a
> Thanks for your insights -- haven't done this before (obviously). I'm
> trying to get good coverage on hybrid tea roses.
> Chris Reid
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Received on Thu Jul 24 2003 - 23:41:17 EDT

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