[compost_tea] Reply Doc. E.

From: Halstead <halstead_at_mail.telepac.pt>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 16:18:44 +0100

Doc. E.
Sorry a bit late in responding

I'm not quite sure what the point was that you were trying to make Bill, bu=
t small and large scale folks are using AACT successfully.

The point is that Rup and other products still have a place in agriculture =
and statements that these products are 'not wanted in the world 'is so much=
 idealism and not practical.I believe I have read that there are bacteria t=
hat can clean up oil slicks- if correct then is it not possible that bacter=
ia can be 'manufactured' to deal with any 'cide' excess in the soil?
It's a big job to do well. We have hints and ideas. Get good biology in t=
he soil, let it do the normal set of interactions, with us encouraging maxi=
mum biology at every step, and the system seems to get back into a good bal=
ance. Could we make it go faster? Could we understand exactly what the im=
portant factors are? Sure. But it takes time. And money.

I agree with the above statement,
I have difficulty in imagining ACT controlling unwanted plants. Which can b=
e a volunteer plant from the previous crop, It cannot be an exact science a=
nd so one will always be experimenting which is 'not on' on a large scale.
Without rain for three & half months I have weeds germinating in an area th=
at was oats cut for hay, there is no way that ACT could be effectively appl=
ied now so how are the weeds to be controlled before they seed?. I do not w=
ish to cultivate and cause dust and loose moisture . What is the alternativ=
e ?The weeds did not germinate at the same time as the oats but after they =
were cut.
Had hoped that some of your 'Os' wheat farmers may have commented about t=
he use of a knock down herbicide in their cultivation programs.
So, send money............ :-)

OK. I will send you 100 ? which is about 100$. Where do you wish it to be s=
ent.? Would be easier to send to SFW Lab. in Holland if possible.

Bill H.

Received on Fri Aug 01 2003 - 16:10:05 EDT

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