RE: [compost_tea] Weeds

From: Mike Bosko <>
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 09:09:11 -0700

Although this might not be the list to post such matter – I am told – I’m
going to lay this out and let it be for now:

Ken responded as follows:
I am currently developing a website called to support the small
farmer and the marketing of their produce (selling direct to the public). If
there is enough interest, I can start on a weeds site as well. I do have a
background (formal career) and degree in Range Management (as well as
Computer Science) and know quite a bit about noxious weeds and the
traditional (chemical and biological) treatments. And as you know, I also
collect native plant seeds for native plant nurseries and reclamation
companies. So I do have a strong background in botany. There is alot of
information on the internet from the various Universities, County extensions
and such on weeds, organic, composting, etc. But nothing on practical
applications for particular areas or regions, particular methods, and such.
"Theoretically" soil types, local environmental conditions, etc might come
into play in the success or failure of traditional recommended control of
weeds. So a web site with local information I think would be appropriate -
as well as folks just having a place to find someone in their own
communities. But there would have to be some interest in such a website and
I would need to find someway to fund the site. Will see about putting a
database out on the web later this summer just to see what the interest
might be.

I will join the list later on this week, gotta get over to one of my client
nurseries today. Will be stopping by to drop off the microscope.

Ken Boettger
Ellensburg, WA
Web Development, Database and Online Application Programming
Information Technology providing aid to the small farmer.
"Lets organize and put some real power and leverage behind the small farmers
of America!" <>


-----Original Message-----
From: chris reid []
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 7:49 AM
Subject: [compost_tea] Weeds

Bob and all,

We do have a database and file access on the site for this list. The
database that is part of this website may not be ideal, but it's there. An
Excel spreadsheet could easily be loaded into anybody else's database, I
believe, and could be made available on the site.

The purpose of creating the file is to gather info together and make it
possible to update all in one place, rather than researching through past
messages. This approach can be used for other aspects of tea, as well,
where there is an interest and people have data to share.

If you have accessed the archives, then you can access the files. If you
haven't visited the actual site page, this is the link:

Looking forward to hearing whether Kenny wants to make a database. Unless
we have some more suggested entries, our database could be overkill!

So folks, keep those cards, letters and weed data coming!

And Shane, which books/publications are you referring to that have info on
weed conditions and control?

I will draw up a proposed table form separately, and am open to Mike Bosko's
suggestion that Kenny the Possible Lurker take this on.



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