Re: [compost_tea] Weeds

From: Shane Gishford <>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 18:57:42 +1000 (EST)

Thanks for the web site. I had a look through it and I Thought it was well put together. What was said in there is very dear to my heart as I have been practicing IMP (intergarated pest management) for 20 years. Some of the controls they talked about we have used in this area and they have been very sucessful. This is what lead me to one of DR E's seminars and I am now practicing ICP (Intergrated Crop Management).
 I do have one moth We know it as the Beet Web Worm gets into Beetroot & silverbeet but it also takes out the 2 types of pigweed we have and doesn't touch any of the other crops. It can be slow to get going and now we have another wasp called Tricogramma that parasitises eggs, the beet web worm can be even slower as its eggs can be a host for Tricogramma to build up on. This is good for the other insect pest control but no good for pigweed control.
Maybe when I get the soil food web balanced we will be looking for a low population of pigweed to feed the beet web worm to breed up the tricogramma so we can have a good population for when the insect pests arrive and with good biology to give us good brix in the plant and a lot of tricogramma then the insects will be of no problem at all.!!!!!!!! This is my eternal wish and I'm not going to die wondering.??????
Shane Gishford

    You may be interested in this research. It's biological control of weeds.

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Received on Wed Aug 06 2003 - 08:57:36 EDT

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