[compost_tea] feed with tea?

From: Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 09:26:22 -0800

Chris, you asked if you should be putting down food for the soil foodweb me=
mbers as well as tea.

There has to be adequate nutrients available for the microbes to thrive. Th=
at means good organic matter. You don't need to put down what most people =
call "organic fertilizer" but should be called "microbe food" every time yo=
u tea, but depending on what you are growing, it won't hurt to apply a micr=
obe food at various times.

Microbe foods can be fungi foods, bacterial foods or both. Go to www.soilfo=
odweb.com and you will see a listing of products.

Same thing with compost. It can be made with brown, hard to digest, fungal =
food materials in higher proportions to green, easy to digest, sugar filled=
 materials that are bacterial foods.



Received on Thu Aug 07 2003 - 13:53:28 EDT

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