Re: [compost_tea]activated compost

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 10:35:33 -0800

Good catch, Mike. What I was reading was that the stuff had turned gray or=
 dark....too early in the morning. However, spores should not be breathed i=
n any case!

By molds, we are talking fungi, too, of course. I would rather have a good =
SFI test tell me all is safe. I KNOW when I see white fuzzy hairs like the =
Santa Claus beard that I am on safe ground......I don't know what the round=
 blobby colonies with one or two exceptions.

Chances are what you have is safe and good, but why risk anything on it. Ge=
t a test from SFI to see if the stuff works!



Received on Thu Aug 07 2003 - 18:16:23 EDT

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