Re: [compost_tea] Aphids

From: Steve Bridges <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 21:10:12 -0500

One thing that I think many are missing is that there is a balance in Natu=
re. You've got good bugs and you've got bad bugs. If everything is in bala=
nce, you're going to have a few bad bugs doing bad things to your plants, b=
ut the good bugs are going to keep the bad bugs in check. Much like a a wel=
l run, educated populace might run a community of people, but hey, that's a=
nother subject (a sorely needed one!....sorry).

I think that it is absurd and going completely against the nature of things=
 to think that we're are going to complete rid our plants or our gardens of=
 bad bugs with ANYTHING. And we DON"T WANT TO!

If you get rid of the aphids, what are the ladybugs going to stay around fo=

If you let the wasps thrive, you won't have a problem with tent catepillars=
 (at least here in Texas)!

If you destroy the whole gamut of "bad bugs" what are the lacewings going t=
o consume? The Giant Wheel Bugs? Trichogamma wasps? Encarsia Formosa? Lizar=
ds, birds, and horny toads? And all the predators in the soil?

This is not directed at you Jeff. But it seems that there is too much empha=
sis placed on "killing all the bad bugs" when what we need to be doing is c=
reating habitats and conditions right for encouraging the natural state of =
things. Let us not fall into the Pest Control business.

I'm with Susan Cruver. Let's not overblow this AACT. And let us not forget =
that we are operating within that set forth by Nature.

AACT is but another tool in the box. It is not the be-all, end-all for all =
our wishes or problems.

A few aphids, let them live to feed those glorious lady beetles.

Steve Bridges
Kimas Tejas Nursery

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Jeff Lowenfels
  Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 10:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Aphids

  Don't want to start a flame, but AACT is not an 'icide.' Don't get us in =
trouble with the EPA by suggesting it is......It works because it helps add=
 the beneficials needed to create and maintain healthy foodwebs with all th=
e benefits that come with that state of nature...

  APHIDS: IMHO Compost tea means healthier plants that are not under stres=
s. Plants under stress have higher incidents of aphids.

  As for direct application and results on aphids, if you have a severe eno=
ugh spray, it will knock them off the plants, but after a year, I still hav=
e them in my greenhouse, though now they seem to predominately hit the Orch=
ids when in bloom. What self respecting Alaskan aphid wouldn't......

  TENT CATERPILLARS starved.....that is not being killed directly by AACT, =
right? Starving tent caterpillars means they wouldn't eat the leaves proba=
bly because there was something on them they didn't like or that they eat o=
nce and it shuts down their digestive system as in the action of bT. And ma=
ybe there was some bT strain or similar acting in the tea mix.

  SLUGS? Got me there. Perhaps the healthy foodweb at the sprayed plants i=
ncludes plenty of opelias and slug eating microarthropods as well as slug =
killing nematodes.

  In any case, AACT isn't an 'icide' any more than mother nature, so be car=
eful or we will have to register with the EPA because of the wrong claims o=
n behalf of AACT.


  Jeff L

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Received on Sat Aug 23 2003 - 01:03:49 EDT

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