Re: [compost_tea] foam in ACT/ syrupy smell

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 08:15:38 -0800

Alex, you need to have your tea tested to know what it is.....the syrupy sm=
ell could mean you have a high bacteria tea, a high fungal tea or a tea wit=
h nothing in it at all!

Foam? I think someone once said it is because of proteins ie dead worms and=
 things, in your compost. However, In my tea career,the presence or size =
of foam bubbles is not a predictor of anything that shows up on a test.

You need to have your tea tested by SFI so you know what you have done. Aft=
er a while, you can skip the test because you will be a brewmiester!


Jeff L

Received on Thu Aug 28 2003 - 14:20:36 EDT

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