Re: [compost_tea] ACT and crop rotation

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 11:24:30 -0700 (PDT)

Your galvanized steel rain gutters are shrivelling? Wow THATS DRY! But with ACT your Febuary peas are still producing! Wow THATS SOIL FOOD WEB at work!
About rotation - I bet on the ACT. We have been adding kichen scraps and a few wood chips to our compost - some removed each year - for 20 years and always grow tomatoes and squash and volunteer sunflowers right in the pile. Gets ACT about 5 times a year. Never see a disease. Tomatoes galore. Sun is vital. We have too many trees. A bit short on sun. Bob

irene bensinger <> wrote:
I've been wondering if ACT can obviate the need to rotate plantings
in a home garden.

We live at 1400 feet (cool nights) and there are only a few spots in
the garden that receive and maintain enough heat to ripen tomatoes.
It would be wonderful to have a permanent home for the tomatoes in
one of those 'heat sinks' -- if I can count on ACT to keep the soil
healthy. Anyone have any experience along those lines?

irene in western WA where it's so dry the rain gutters are shriveling...

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Received on Mon Sep 01 2003 - 15:54:49 EDT

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