[compost_tea] compost tea and biodynamics

From: clay <rhibo_at_iinet.net.au>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 08:01:16 +0800

hey there group

I have just been reading, Compost Teas: Principles and Prospects for Plant
Disease Control (Compost Science and Utilization, Autumn, 2002, by Steve
Scheuerell and Walter Mahaffee)

One thing that I thought was strange in their description of the history of
compost teas was the omission of biodynamics.
It seems to me that biodynamic preparations such as "500" are like
homeopathic compost teas, and this practice of humus production and
subsequent liquification has been going on for decades. Ive also read that
the biodynamic farmers are using vortexes to aerate the preparations. I
noticed that in one of the compost tea brewers, it had a vortex aerator.

I'm not a biodynamic farmer but I'm just wondering why there isn't a
stronger link between compost tea making and biodynamics?

maybe there is and I haven't noticed it yet.

Clayton Chipper

East Perth City Farm
ph. 089 325 7229
Fax. 089 325 7210

Received on Tue Sep 16 2003 - 21:31:58 EDT

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