Re: Agriculture-related fiction?

Robert Galloway (!!!!ais.neRobert Galloway)
5 Mar 1997 07:55:59 -0700

"Old Jules" Marie Sandoz
"A Lantern In Her Hand", "When Spring Came on Forever" and "White Bird
Flying" Bess Streeter Aldrich


>"English Creek" and "Dancing at the Rascal Fair" - Ivan Doig
>"Giants in the Earth" - O.E. Rolvag
>"These Thousand Hills" - A.B. Guthrie
>"My Antonia" and "O' Pioneers" - Willa Cather
>"East of Eden" - Steinbeck
>"Angle of Repose" - Wallace Stegner(?)
>"Centennial" - James Michener
>| Matt Baney Boeing Commercial Space Company
>| Resouce21 (206)-393-0148
> "Whenever you find yourself at the bottom of a deep
> hole the first thing you should do is stop digging"