
Address for CIKARD

May 29,

Dear Sannetters:

I am looking for an email address for the Center for Indigenous Knowledge
for Agriculture or Rural Development (CIKARD) at Iowa State University.  I
have checked out their web site but did not find an email address for
general queries.  The director is or was Dr. Michael Warren, but I donīt
know if what I have to ask needs to be directed to him.  I guess anyone
working at the center would be allright.

Thanks for any help !


Ernesto Mendez
Consultor Agroforestal
Proyecto Agroforestal CATIE/GTZ
CATIE 7170
Turrialba, Costa Rica
tel: (506)556-6438  fax: (506)556-1891
email: mendezer@catie.ac.cr