
Position available: Research Technologist I in Agronomy (fwd)

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Date: Thu, 05 Jun 1997 12:10:31 -0500
From: "Dr. Bob Caldwell" <serc018@UNLVM.UNL.EDU>
Reply-To: Agmodels-L Discussion List <AGMODELS-L@crcvms.unl.edu>
To: AGMODELS-L@crcvms.unl.edu
Subject: Position available: Research Technologist I in Agronomy

Dear Colleagues,
   I am currently recruiting for a Research Technologist (Job #37087, Dept.
of Agronomy, $21,885/yr fulltime; hard-dollar supported). The job is not a
modeling position (it includes field work and oversight of on-farm
research), though we will apply crop models to a number of research
problems, including site-specific management. The minimum qualifications are
broad (BS in "Agriculture, Geography, Computer Science, or a related
field... two years research experience"). A recent graduate with experience
in a modeling project could be a good candidate. Application for graduate
study is possible.
   The closing date is soon: June 13, 1997. If you can think of anyone as a
possible nominee, please relay their name to me by E-mail or phone, and/or
pass along this message to them.
   (p.s., Remember, I will automatically unsubscribe anyone that happens to
request that directly to agmodels-l)

Bob Caldwell, Cropping Systems Specialist, Dept. of Agronomy/SEREC/NEREC
  University of Nebraska - Lincoln
  204 Mussehl Hall, P.O. Box 830714, Lincoln, NE 68583-0714
serc018@unlvm.unl.edu    Phone: (402) 472-3674. FAX: (402) 472-3858.