
Re: Oxen (was Re: British Beef Situation)

In article <4ler5j$ib@host2.igs.net>, Henry Troup <hwt@host2.igs.net>
>>Bryan wrote:
>>> Have you thought about the comparative ploughing capabilities of a
>>> tractor and an oxen?  Have you considered how many teams of MEN (I
>>> speak generically) and oxen it would take to replace only the
>>> tractors on say one 500 acre farm?  Have you thought how much
>Reasonably simple - an acre was defined as the ground ploughed by
>one pair of oxen in one day.  If you want to be done ploughing in
>10 days, 50 pair of oxen, and 50 humans to dirve them.

But bear in mind we are talking light land here. Heavy land was used for
cattle pasture because with their equipment it was effectively

'Oz     "When I knew little, all was certain. The more I learnt,
        the less sure I was. Is this the uncertainty principle?"
