
planting corn - mouse damage? (fwd)

The following message was posted in German to the usenet group sci.agriculture:
From: 		josef.schlueter@t-online.de <Josef Schlueter>
To:   		sci.agriculture
Subject:	mais-direktsaat wer kann helfen?
Date:		25 Apr 1966 03:02:02:18 GMT
Organization:	Telekom Online Internet Gateway
Wir moechten auf unserem Betrieb in diesem Jahr erstmalig Mais direkt in einen
abgestorbenen Senfbestand legen lassen; wer kann mir sagen, ob Maeuse die Saat
schaedigen koennen und ob diese gegebenfalls bekaempft werden muessen?
My quick translation:
We'd like to plant corn (maize) for the first time on our farm in a field that
contains a stand of mustard that didn't survive the winter.
Who can tell me if mice will likely be a problem, and if so, how we can best
deal with them?
If you don't know German, please reply directly to me (furcht@macc.wisc.edu) and
I'll forward your replies to Josef.
Alan Furchtenicht
University of Wisconsin