
Organic and Sustainable

In article <4m4v44$did@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, BRateaver
<brateaver@aol.com> writes
>The use of the word: SUSTAINABLE, is senseless if to be added to the term:
To: B. Rateaver

Perhaps this reply is niave to your geographical context and to your
anger directed at commercial organisations willing to take advantage of
leading edge movements.

Sustainability is a alive and well in Europe, check out 
http://www.shef.ac.uk/~ec the home page of The Earth Centre, an
international centre for educational sustainable developement.

What does this mean with great respect to the organic movement?

We need a base standard that is ecologically sound - this must be
organic. But we also need and must keep pace with human development, its
impact and the growing drain on natural resources. Sustainablility is a
comprimise, it recognises production without comprimising ecological
balance and animal welfare standards.

Is it so wrong to strive towards harmony between human and natural

Can the organic movemnt keep pace with demand?

with thanks

Stephen Bedford Clark

Stephen Bedford Clark
Director of Freshwater Ecology
The Earth Centre
Kilners Bridge
Doncaster Road
Denaby Main
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1709 770566
Fax: +44 (0)1709 861727
Home:+44 (0)1302 782597
email: sbc@fishace.demon.co.uk

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