
Re: News Advisory: Still Crazy After Oil These Years!

Michael Delceg <mdelceg@nelson.planet.org.nz> wrote:
>Those of us who have fought nuclear proliferation will obviously 
>have to take up the cudgels again.

Nuclear proliferation relates to weapons.  I have never heard of
a reactor being dropped on an enemy, or such use threatened or
even proposed by anyone.  Neither have I ever heard of a nuclear
"device" being made with material from a modern light-water
power reactor.  I have heard opinions that it may be impossible
to do so.

> One can expect to see more of 
>this nuke pushing as an alternative to fossil fuels while the sun, 
>wind and waves are ignored.

Perhaps if you could answer some questions you might be able to
get people to take solar, wind and wave power more seriously.
For instance, all those sources are intermittent.  How do you
match their supplies to the requirements of residences and
industry?  Assuming that storage will be required, how much will
it cost and what are its environmental impacts?  Will toxic
materials such as arsenic or lead be required, in what quantity,
and how concentrated or spread out (and susceptible to loss)?

These are serious, meaningful questions and deserve cogent answers.

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