
Re: fHuman vs. natural influences on the environment

In article <31F6611B.2A35@hydro.on.ca>,
   Dan Evens <dan.evens@hydro.on.ca> wrote:
>All locked up and nowhere to go wrote:

>Environmental reporting is some of the WORST journalism you 
are ever likely
>to find. Not only is it rife with the usual problems of 
simplifying things
>for Joe-Couch, but it also suffers from being a political 
hot button.
>And the usual argument is roughly at the level of "oh we 
don't really know
>anything for sure, so we better do things my way."

Good point.  If I gave a presentation to management and made 
this statement, I probably wouldn't have my job for long.  
In my profession (engineering) you had better get some 
answers before drawing attention to an issue, or your 
credibility will be rapidly lost (sound familiar?).

Follow-Ups: References: