
permaculture questions

i tried to send this to the permaculture mailing list and it didnt work. 
 any help you can provide is excellent.-forbes

> i am about to start my second year in college at american university
> majoring in a major that has nothing to do with ecology.  anyway, i've
> been reading about permaculture and it all sounds so very interesting.
> however, i'm not even going to be able to come into any land to begin
> working on for at least a couple of years (my dad is moving-he found some
>  cheap land somewhere, and lots of it)
> the point is: until then, what can i read/do now?  what should i be
> familiar with before i take a permaculture course?  do i have to use
> animals?  if so, do i have to kill them? (i'm vegetarian, i dont look
> forward to having to kill the animals)
> thank you very much for any advice you can provide i appreciate it.
> email me at fg4840a@american.edu
> peace forbes

whole, unrefined food-nourishment for the body
education-nourishment for the mind
meditation-nourishment for the spirit
laughter and love-great for all three!
X forbes graham           		    nice guyX
X riceone distro				    X
X http://auvm.american.edu/~fg4840a		    X
