


For Immediate Release

WHAT: 			The 1996 Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Farming and
Gardening Conference

WHEN: 			Friday, October 4 thru Sunday,  October 6

WHERE: 			The Claymont Agricultural Project
			Claymont Court
			Huyette Road
			Charles Town, West Virginia

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: 	Farmers, Gardeners, Aquaculturists, Educators and
persons interested in
                                              	Waldorf education, Parents,
Health Practitioners, Whole Foods
			Advocates, Macrobiotics and Nutritionists as well
as anyone interested
			in the environment, their health, or in good
tasting food,  Students of
			Rudolf  Steiner and Anthroposophy, anyone attending
to their inner life

CONTACT: 	                            Allan Balliett, BD Conference
coordinator (304) 876-2373 or
                                                    email: igg@his.com


Biodynamics (BD) is a science of life-forces, a recognition of the basic
principles at work in nature, and an approach to agriculture which takes
these principles into account to bring about balance and healing. In a very
real way, then, Biodynamics is an ongoing path of knowledge rather than an
assemblage of methods and techniques.

Biodynamics is part of the work of Rudolf Steiner, known as anthroposophy
-- a new approach to science which integrates precise observation of
natural phenomena, clear thinking, and knowledge of the spirit. It offers
an account of the spiritual history of the Earth as a living being, and
describes the evolution of the constitution of humanity and the kingdoms of
nature.  (from What is Biodynamics by Sherry Wildfleur, Kimberton, PA)

The theme of this year's BD conference at Claymont is "The Soil, Nutrition,
and the Soul." Presenters at this conference will investigate current
knowledge on the effects of nutrition on human health and behavior.  The
effects of soil quality upon the nutritive content of  plants will be
discussed at length. Several workshops will concentrate on how to build
healthy soil and grow healthy plants without chemical ammendments.

In response to the recent call by the Biodynamic Association  of America
for BD practitioners to pay more attention to husbanding the water and
aquatic life on their farms, presentations will be made at this Conference
by specialists in conventional aquaculture.

Tours of the aquaculture facilities at the Freshwater Institute and of the
colonial mill at the Thomas Shepherd Grist Mill (both in Shepherdstown)
will be available on Sunday, October 6.

Cost for the 3-day conference will be $129, if paid in advance (before
10/1), and $149 at the door. This includes all lectures and workshops and
hearty macrobiotic, vegetarian and/or omnivore meals. Lodging is available
at Claymont at reasonable rates. Childcare is available during the day at
reasonable rates. VISA/MasterCard/Discover accepted with advance payment

Each day will begin with a Eurythmy exercise which will taught by Mollie
Amies of Spring Valley, NY.

The Claymont Agricultural Project is based upon agrarian disciplines which
extend into antiquity, the principles of the Claymont system can be traced
back to ancient Greece, Persia and the Far East.>In its present form, the
Claymont Agricultural Project is emerging as a vital integration of several
movements: Dr. Steiner's Biodynamic Agriculture, Alan Chadwick's French
Intensive Agriculture and G.I. Gurdjieff's "Fourth Way" as transmitted by
J.G. Bennett (the founder of Claymont). While striving to preserve and
rejuvenate the soil and plants at Claymont Court, The Claymont Agricultural
Project is committed to sharing the design and implementation of small
scale, sustainable agrarian systems while becoming a living example of how
humanity can thrive upon the earth without destroying it.
What follows is the confirmed line-up for the October 4-6 Biodynamic
Farming and Gardening Conference at Claymont Court, a 400 acre BD estate
outside of Charles Town, WV.

For more information: Allan Balliett (304) 876-2373  email: igg@his.com

Updated information pertaining to the conference and a detailed map are
available at: www.his.com/~claymont/claymontag.html

This conference is made possible in part by a grant from the Center for
Sustainable Living.

ALAN KAPULER (Seeds of Change) Visionary co-founder and head of the
research department of Seeds of Change,  one of the best heirloom seed
companies in America. There is no more inspiring and informative
spokesperson for biodiversity and what it means for human development and
survival than Mr Kapuler. In addition to his studies in diversity, Dr
Kapuler is an expert on the variance in 'nutritional density'  in varieties
within families of food crops.  In his spare time, Dr Kapuler is working to
develop a 'non-violent' diet for humans (in a non-violent diet, no plants
are destroyed for human consumption). Dr Kapuler restricts himself to two
lectures a year; it is a rare and wonderful pleasure to have Dr. Kapuler on
the East Coast. Dr Kapular was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer over 10
years ago, refused the chemical treatment and has kept himself alive - -
and brilliant - - through a macrobiotic diet.

BOB PUTZ (Freshwater Institute) Former Director , Leetown National
Fisheries Center, Leetown, WV,  current ly Director of Science for The
Conservation Fund and founder of the globally influential aquaculture think
tank, The Freshwater Institute, "a first-rate internationally recognized
research and deveopment facility with programs that identify and
demonstrate uses of freshwater resources that protect the quality of those
resources while allowing sutainable economic growth."  An advisor to
governments, Mr Putz enjoys applying his fish farming knowledge to
economically sustainable aquaculture installations on subsistence farms. Mr
Putz will also provide a tour of the aquaculture facilities at  The
Freshwater Institute, in Shepherdstown, WV on Sunday.

HUGH COURTNEY (Josephine Porter Institute of Applied Biodynamics)
Manufacturer and distributor of most of the BD preps used in the Western
hemisphere. Hugh is a farmer, a  scientist, advisor and mentor to hundreds
of BD growers, and a great writer. He will be discussing "Soil Nutrition
and the BD Preps." He will also bring his wonderful book table with him!!

HUGH LOVELL (Union Agricultural Institute) Market Gardener , CSA manager,
author and alternative farming methods guru. Hugh's annual BD conferences
in Blairsville, GA are legendary. Hugh is knowledgeable in radionics,
dowsing and several other alternative energies.'  His book, A Biodynamic
Farm, is one of my favorites! He will demonstrate the cosmic pipe as a very
effective means of distributing the BD preps across a field. We are going
to also ask him to teach a bread making class!!

BRUCE BLEVINS (Nokomis Farms) Former Claymont gardener and  "the most
brilliant BD grower in America." Bruce currently runs a biodynamic market
garden, greenhouse and landscape design enterprise in Wisconsin. With 17
years of gardening experience and a 1979 apprenticeship with Alan Chadwick,
Mr. Blevins is a master horticulturist and a dynamic speaker who brings his
knowledge of biodynamics and greenhouse work to bear on the problems and
challenges facing today's market gardener.

WOODY WODRASKA (Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center)  Former Claymont garden
helper. Woody's articles in the BD Quarterly in the past few year have all
been memorable and informative.  Woody apprenticed in biodynamic farming at
Kimberton in the 80's, initiated one of the first CSAs in this country,
and has started  gardens in 13 states. While following classical biodynamic
procedures, Woody has continued to experiment with other techniques to
appropriately raise the energy level in the garden. (We are anticipating a
flow forms demonstration.)

NORIO KUSHI (Kushi Foundation) Macrobiotic educator. Son of the great
macrobiotic teacher, Michio Kushi, Norio was raised in the macrobiotic
lifestyle. He will discuss the human health: what are the parameters, how
is it achieved?

SALLY SILVERSTONE (Cyberspheres, Inc) Ms Silverstone worked from 1985 to
1994 with the team that designed and built Biopshere 2 . She helped with
the design and implementation of  the entire
agricultural base for Biosphere2. More than that, she lived with it!! - as
Co-Captain and Director of Agriculture and Food systems of the team that
carried out the first two year closed mission
You will find her experiences radically different from how Biosphere2 was
portrayed in the
press.  She has many valuable lessons to share after spending two years in
what has to have been the most 'self-contained farm ' in the world.

JEAN YEAGER (Biodynamic Association) Editor  of Biodynamics, the bimonthly
publication of the BD Association. Jean's experience in the needs and
requirements of today's farms and communities is both deep and wide. Jean
will do two workshops, one on marketing, the other on community.

BJORN NILSSON (Claymont Farms) Master Gardener at Claymont. A former
Chadwick apprentice and student of British philosopher and mathematician,
J..G. Bennett and advocate of the emerging healing art agritherapy. Bjorn
will speak on "The Fourth Way in Agriculture."

CRAIG ALAN SISKA (Verdant Earth) Biodynamic Landscape Architect and
gardener. Student of Alan Chadwick at New Market. Craig will speak in depth
on an yet to be chosen horticultural topic.

Andrea HUff (Camphill Waldorf School) Designer of the first vegetarian
whole-grain hot school lunch program in this country! Andrea is an expert
on the effects of nutrition on human development and behavior and is an
impassioned and knowledgeable speaker.

ROBYN STAHR (Anthroposophic Nutritionist) Ms Stahr has a deep knowledge of
Rudolf Steiner's insights into the relationship between nutrition and the
ability to have spiritual insight. She has some surprising information and
will do both a lecture and a cooking demonstration.

Dr Peter Hinderberger (Baltimore Wellness Center) Anthroposphic Doctor and
homeopath. Dr Hinderberger will address Rudolf Steiner's remarks regarding
the relationship between nutrition and the ability to manifest Will on the
physical plane.

REX HERRIL (Remineralization Expert) Market Gardener. Mr Herril has spent
the last 10 years actively studying how minerals affect the quality of
plants and how the quality of plants eaten affects human development.

PETER TOMPKINS (Secret Life of Plants, Secrets of the Soil) Author. Mr
Tompkins is a neighbor of ours. He will participate at the conference if he
is able to keep his September visit to South America within its schedule.
His forthcoming  book is  "Secrets of Nature."

MICHAEL JUDGE (Washington Waldorf School CSA) BD market grower and CSA
manager. Michael will do a workshop on food and the community.

MARY YEAGAR (Kimberton Anthroposophic Artist) Anthroposophic water coloring
training. Exhibition of therapeutic art.

JIM MARQUARDT (BD Orchardist, Winchester, VA; Vice-President, JPI) Jim
operates an orchard of heirloom apples in Winchester. He will do a workshop
on BD orchard work

Dr. LOUIS LEONARDI (Natural Health practitioner (Chiropractor)) Dr.
Leonardi has deep insight into the relationship between nutrition and human
health.  He will speak on true health and how it is attained. Biological
Agents in the Soil/Biological Medicine for the Body  and Plural Morphism.

BERNARD McDONAGH (Claymont Agricultural Project)  Horticulturist and
organic grower. Bernard has recently come to Claymont to pursue his
interest in farms and community. His experience in organic growing is both
deep and broad. He will speak on one of his favorite topics: the use of
beneficial insects.

MOLLIE AMIES (Three-Fold Foundation) Eurythmy Instructor. Mollie will
provide two workshops on Eurythmy as well as lead us in eurythmy exercises
each day. Eurythmy is a form of sacred dance taught by Rudolf Steiner to
promote the integration of Body, Mind and Spirit.

ANN ROSS (Homeopathic Veterinarian) Ann will give a lecture on natural care
of livestock and pets. She is coming from Cincinatti to present at this
event. She was highly recommended by Ed Schaeffer who writes the natural
vet column for Acres.

JACK LARSEN Jack will speak on the Albrecht soil theories.

JIMMY FOLTZ (Peace in the Valley Herbs) Jimmy, a noted herbalist in the
Shenadoah Valley will discuss the principles behind herbal tinctures and
demonstrate how to make them.

REGISTRATION:	Pre-Register by sending check or money order to
		Mid-Atlantic BD Conference
		c/o Allan Balliett
		POB 3047
		Shepherdstown, WV 25443

		Checks should be made out to "The NetWork"

		VISA/MasterCard/Discover accepted for early registration only!
		Call (304) 876-2373 (or FAX (304) 876-9414) to register by
charge card

		Cost of the Conference & all meals & snacks is $129 if paid
before 10/1
		($149 at the door)
		Children 6-12 are half-price. Children Under 6 are Free.
		Lodging and Childcare are available at reasonable cost.