
Ag Secretary's Memorandum on Sustainability

Last week, at a pre-Farm Aid event, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Rich
Rominger announced a new USDA-wide policy embracing sustainable agriculture
and sustainable development. Rominger's remarks summarized a recent
Secretary's Memorandum from Dan Glickman that supports sustainability
across the Department's programs and mission areas and culminated a year of
effort by the leaders of a USDA Sustainable Agriculture Working Group to
encourage the Department to better support sustainability. Glickman also
acted in response to recommendations from the President's Council on
Sustainable Development. Some excerpts from the memorandum follow:

The purpose of this memorandum is to state the Department's support for
policies, programs, activities and education in sustainable development,
including sustainable agriculture, sustainable forestry and sustainable
rural community development, and to establish a mechanism to coordinate
these efforts across the Department.

Domestically, as population increases and knowledge and technology continue
to change agriculture and natural resources, the interrelationships among
people, the economy and the land grow increasingly vital. These connections
highlight the need to find a lasting balance between the economic,
environmental and social components of the USDA mission. This need for
balance underlies the central challenge of sustainability. Meeting this
challenge is essential if USDA is to be a successful partner in sustaining
the people and productivity associated with U.S. agriculture and natural

USDA is committed to working toward the economic, environmental and social
sustainability of diverse food, fiber, agriculture, forest and range
systems. USDA will balance goals of improved production and profitability,
stewardship of the natural resource base and ecological systems, and
enhancement of the vitality of rural communities. USDA will integrate these
goals into its policies and programs, particularly through interagency
collaboration, partnerships and outreach.

Glickman established a USDA Council on Sustainable Development of
top-ranking officers to follow up on the recommendations from the SAWG and
the PCSD.

Valerie Berton
SARE Communications Specialist
0322 Symons Hall, Zip 5565
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
(301) 405-3186
(301) 314-7373 (fax)
