
Glickman and Biotech

Folks:  can I get some comment/confirmation/denial about Glickman and 
his apparent attraction to biotechnology?  Is he likely to stay in 
the business for the next 4 years, and if not, who will replace him?  
What are their credentials on biotechnology?  Ann

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Date sent:      Sat, 9 Nov 1996 13:45:36 EDT
Subject:        Agnet Nov. 9/96

Nov 8/96
WASHINGTON -- U.S. Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman says that the U.S. 
will press for recognition at the World Food Summit of biotechnology's 
potential to help feed the world, and is quoted as saying, "We need to 
keep that issue on the tableQwhat it will do for hungry people. What 
we're trying to say at this conference is that biotechnology is an 
important way to achieve food independence in the developing world as 
well as (being) economically important to the United States. Without it, 
there are consequences...probably degradation of the environment in order 
to produce the food that is going to need to be produced."

Dr. E. Ann Clark
Associate Professor
Crop Science
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON  N1G 2W1
Phone:  519-824-4120 Ext. 2508
FAX:  519 763-8933