
Fwd: Re: Is Organic Food Better?

Joanna Campe of Remineralize the Earth Magazine sent this contribution to the
discussion on nutrient content of foods for me to pass along.

Dan Hemenway
Forwarded message:
Subj:    Re: Is Organic Food Better?
Date:    96-11-25 11:42:16 EST
From:    ReminEarth
To:      YankeePerm

The most credible person who maintains that remineralized foods are tastier
is Alice Waters, the founder of "California cuisine" and owner of Chez
 Panisse, probably the most famous restaurant in the U.S. Bob Cannard grows
about 70 varieties of fruits and vegetables which go exclusively to her
restaurant. Bob is by far the most publicized, successful, knowledgeable and
experienced farmer of SR, and he also teaches at Sonoma State. He never has
any problem w/ phyloxera in managing many acres of vineyards, when it was
considered a great threat to the wine industry.