
Organic Conference - January/97 - Great Lakes Region

Announcing: 'ORGANIC FARMING DEMYSTIFIED' - the 16th Annual Organic
Conference held at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Dates: Main program - Saturday, January 25th; supporting events - entire weekend

Location: Guelph is a city just north of the Highway 401 thruway, between
Toronto and London

Sponsors: A coalition of 9 groups

Format: Keynote presentation - 'Can Organic Farming Feed The World' (Fred
Kirschenmann); 16 workshops organized under 4 themes (Crop Production,
Livestock, Farmer-Consumer Link-Ups, Global Organics); Eco-Products Trade
Show (40-50 exhibits); Public Forum; annual dinner (Canadian Organic
Growers); special meetings (CUSO, Biodynamic Society, COG); related
composting workshop (Waterloo County); etc. etc.

Target audience: 1. Organic growers (certified or in transition); 2.
Growers interested in organic issues; 3. Agricultural press; 4. Organic
product developers or purchasers (Trade Show provides excellent sources);
5. Consumers who want to buy organic foods, join CSA's, learn how to
garden organically, etc.; 6, Students, researchers, academic, faculty; 7.
Agricultural extension personnel 

Where to find information: 1. Send a E-Mail with your physical/mailing
address and a brochure/info package will be mailed to you (send to
<organix@georgian.net>); 2. There are 2 WWW pages which have extensive
details on the Conference, including background, costs, discounts, advance
Trade Show exhibitor list, etc.:


Other: If you live in the Great Lakes region of North America, including
Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York State, Quebec or Ontario,
this Conference has something which will appeal to you.  Based on last
year's attendance, approximately 600 people are expected to attend the
weekend events.  If you need immediate information, please phone (705)
444-0923 or FAX: (705) 444-0380.

Windsurfer * organix@georgian.net
Thanks for responding !