

Beginning of part1


Copyright 1995 by  Richard Druery  and  Margie Krick , "Nutrition

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This electronic book may not be changed in any means, it must remain
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We can be reached via e-mail. "mk95528@ltec.net"

Margie Krick

Legal Stuff: 

Pathways to health has been designed for educational use.  The
information contained is not presented with the intention of
diagnosing or prescribing. It can be for use as in maintaining and
promoting health in cooperation with a nutritionist and physician. 
No responsibility will be assumed by the author,  publisher or
distributor's of this electronic or paper publication.  No guarantees
of any kind are made for the performance or effectiveness of the
preparations mentioned in this guide. 

Now that the legal stuff  is out of the way, here goes;


Many multi-vitamins just pass through you, into the toilet. According
to  a Nutritional Researcher," 80 % of the people who try vitamins are
not metabolizing properly. The vitamins run right through the body,
and out the other." 
If you ever took care of a child,  you probably saw  undigested pieces
of food in the stool. That's because it moved out of the stomach
before it disintegrated. The same thing often happens with some of the
multi-vitamins currently on the market.
I was at a seminar once and spoke with a doctor in the hallway. He
stated that one time there was a test done on the many pills that were
constantly invading the sewer system. They all turned out to be
undigested vitamin pills. The sugar coating was dissolved in most
If you watch your own stool, there is a good chance the same thing is
happening if you are currently taking vitamin pills. 
Scientists have taken x-rays and  little piles of stones appeared in
their digestive tract.
The United States Pharmacopoeia has published a recommended standard
for the disintegration of a vitamin tablet in the stomach.  Basically
a tablet is supposed to dissolve in up to an hour and a half.
The trouble is the tablet does not sit there in the stomach. It gets
dumped into the intestines. Each nutrient in the tablet is supposed to
be absorbed in a particular spot of the intestine. If the nutrient
isn't released by the time it gets to that precise spot, you're out of
luck for that nutrient.
Many think a vitamin is a vitamin. A very common coating is a shellac
made from boiled insect bodies, chosen for the effectiveness at
holding things together, instead of  letting things come apart.
Calcium is  essential for  bones. The commonly used nutrient is
calcium carbonate. This can cause gas in the stomach and be difficult
to absorb.
Many people who are at risk for heart problems have shown to be low in
Magnesium. One of the least expensive forms of this nutrient is
magnesium oxide. This can cause bowel dysfunction problems. Magnesium
glycinate, can be absorbed 4 times better. Digestive imparements begin
at age 20 for many people. At age 40, the production of  the
hydrocloric acid is probably down in the stomach. 
I like to use to use a vitamin that is easily comes apart. When I am
burning fuels properly, my body benifits. People can have abnormal
amounts of fat on their body or surronding their organs. If the the
metabolic dysfunction is repaired by proper use of nutrients and diet,
they tend to burn their fats for energy much better.
I have used other kinds of vitamins in the past. For about two weeks I
felt energy from them. Then something happens and they do not work
anymore for me. When I use vitamins that are made properly, it's the
difference between dragging along at the end of the day and leaps and
Live Foods Are Essential

Many doctors and nutritionists today can see clearly that lack of
knowledge of how our bodies work can be the cause of many of our
organic troubles.  It is now known that if a person could eat the
right foods in the right amounts throught their lifetime, he would be
less susceptable to disease, more able to combat sickness and less
likely to need vitamin, mineral, and other supplements. The great
demand for vitamin and other supplemental pills have been on the
increase and manufacturers are making a darn good profit.
Years ago (1918) minute quanities of substances were discovered in
foods which were found to be necessary to prevent certain illnesses.
These substances became known as vitamins. In the never ending battle
to re-invent the wheel, there still remains what is known and unknown
substances. All these known and the unknown substances are still all
found in food. It is generally agreed that food, "including herbs," is
still by far the best sources of vitamins and minerals.
There is nothing wrong with taking vitamins when necessary. The proper
supplement should be prescribed by a physician and or  under guidance
of a nutritionist. Especially when taking synthetic and hard inorganic
substances.  Another factor is the possibility that dependence on
supplements will withdraw attention from a well-balanced diet, which
of course contain both the known and unknown nutrients to survive in
the first place.     
Man is made up of four basic things; what he eats and drinks, what he
breathes, and what he thinks. Performing any one of these in the wrong
manner can cause an unbalance of his body chemistry.
One can eat four or five big meals a day, and yet the body may be
starved through lack of vital elements in the food. 
There is not a drug in the world that will supply the  river of life,
your blood stream with anything in a way in which the body can use it
for permanent repair.  A drug is ment to stabilize a condition and
food for maintenance and repair. This is why it is so important to
follow up the doctors advice with the knowledge of a nutritionist.
After all a doctor is only taught around 20 or 30 hours of nutrition
to get his/her degree in medicine.

An overlooked Substance OXYGEN

If a person moved from low ground into high ground (mountains) and is
placed in a stressful activity,  they could not play as long as the
rest that already live there.  In a young body and in the period of a
year the body will grow new arteries to adept to the new enviroment. 

"And God said, let there be a firmament (atmosphere) in the midst of
the waters, and let it divide the waters (above the atmosphere) from
the waters (lakes and streams on earth). And God made the firmament
(the 'expanse'-air or atmosphere), and divided the waters which were
under the firmament (lakes and streams on earth) from the waters (of
the great watery canopy or aqueous ring) which were above the
firmament (atmosphere) ..... And God called the firmament (atmosphere)
Heaven ....and God called the dry land Earth."
Genesis 1:6 to 11.

Planets in our own solar system have rings of water today,  so why
not! This would certainly suggest Moses canopy of water that caused
the great flood of Noah's day. This watery ring could have been held
up with the earths own centrifical force creating a greenhouse effect.

The warm rays of the sun would penetrate the water and cause a even
distribution of almost perfect  light and ideal climate,  and the
great upheavals of nature being unknown. 
Under such perfect greenhouse type conditions both plant and animal
life could thrive and attain such great length that they could
possibly grow to enormous size. The soil might even have produced
nearly perfect food so that men lived a thousand years as the ancient
religious scrolls suggest.  The great flood would have filled the
great valleys, leaving only the tops of mountains and plateaus
protruding from the waters.  Religious authorities claim from their
research, the flood raised the sea level about three miles. 
Now if the atmospheric pressure was about 22 pounds to the inch in
those valleys, and the pressure is somewhere around 14-15 pounds
average on these plateaus, this could spell one thing OXYGEN! For
under such atmospheric pressure the air would be so heavy with oxygen,
it could act as a great oxygen tent.  This same atmospheric pressure
might have caused humans deeper breathing,  using all of his lungs,
as opposed to the top part of them we use today. 
Not only could this deep breathing under those atmospheric conditions
contribute to his long life span, but the food that might have grown
there would be superior in oxygen to what we have available today. 
This heavily oxygenated air would do more than that;  it could
completely prevent any such thing as rot, or fermentation.  If such a
condition ever existed, someone would have to either burn or bury it
in the ground to allow the chemicals of the earth to dispose of it.
This could also suggest that fruits and vegatables could be left in
the open oxygenated air and remain fresh for a very long time.  Louis
Pasteur claimed the process of fermentation to be caused because of
the lack of oxygen, thus gaining the necessary oxygen from other
What would all this mean! It would mean that everything on the face of
this planet is constantly oxygen starved. Although this cannot be
absolutely proven, as with any religion, never the less,  it is an
interesting hypothesis of historical literature.

For when "Noah began to be a husbandman (right after the flood) he
planted a vineyard: and he drank the wine, and was drunken; and he was
uncovered within his tent."
Genesis 9:20, 21.

We should be quick to point out that this historic literature is
looked upon as a fact, then Noah would have been completely innocent
of any wrong doing. Why! because Noah knew nothing about intoxicating
drinks, and he never heard of such a thing as drunkeness. Prior to the
flood fermentation could have been virtually unknown. It would have
been no doubt the custom of Noah to keep fruits and vegatables for
possibily years.
The Greek word for our English "soul", "spirit", or "life" is the word
"pneuma", and it too means "a current of clean air (oxygen)". This
same word "pneuma" is rendered "spirit", as "the Spirit of God" and
"the spirit of man". Can this also suggest that both words "spirit"
and "pneuma" mean oxygen.  A few years back it was common to call our
automobile tires "PNEUMA-tic tires", meaning air filled, oxygen-filled
or spirit filled?
The Latin word for "spira" for spirit or life  suggests even stronger,
this meaning "CLEAN FRESH AIR". Clean fresh air is oxygen, the most
cleansing agent upon earth then chlorophyl.   
Man can live without food and water for possibly 30 days, but not more
than 10 minutes without the secret of life "oxygen".

Nothing shall hurt nor destroy anywhere in my holy mountain (or the
earth); for the knowledge of the lord is that the ocean bed that is
covered by the waters of the sea shall be the LAND (of the new earth).

Isaiah 11:9

Thus saith the lord God: In the day that I shall have cleansed you
>from  all your iniquities (rot, decay, fermentation, etc.) I will also
cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded. And
the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the
sight that all passed by. And they shall say, This land that was
desolate (covered by water?) is become LIKE THE GARDEN OF EDEN; and
the waste and ruined cities (covered by the sea in Noah's day?) are
become fenced, and are inhabited.
Ezekiel 36:33, 34 35.

Whether or not we want to believe the words of  ancient historic
scrolls, of course is of little concern here; for we point out their
words only to suggest our point on the importance of life giving

Hippocrates, the "father of  medicine" it is claimed, said "Your FOODS
shall be your remidies and your remidies your FOODS."

Chlorophyll and body cleansing 

Healthy cows  and sheep that are feed on green pastures sleep little!
Why? Because they live on a diet of oxygen grass filled with cleansing
and purifying chlorophyl, which leaves very little waste matter in
their bodies. With little waste matter in their bodies, this leaves
little sleep for body cleansing. Change their diet to waste forming
corn and bran, and you can rest assured they will sleep, just as the
horse will sleep on such a diet.
People who are fat and heavy eaters often fall asleep as soon as they
sit down. Sleep is simply a process of body cleansing.
Can this all suggest that the perfect diet - "the tree of life - was
food grown in an atmospheric pressure even greater than its oxygen
content and green, cleansing chlorophyll content gave man perfect
health, inexhaustible vitality, and everlasting life as long as he had
access to it!

But this fruit grew only in the garden that was  "planted eastward in
Eden"Genesis 2:8, 9), not in other parts of the land of Eden, , and
man lost the benifit of this perfect fruit when he was "sent forth
>from  the garden" (Genesis 3:22, 23).

To the first man and woman on the earth he said, You may eat "OF THE
FRUIT OF THE TREES OF THE GARDEN" (Genesis 3:2), and on expulsion from
(Genesis 3:18)! There it is - The diet of oxygen - pure and simple!

This would suggest outside the garden the food contained waste matter,
and the chlorophyl was added to dissolve the waste matter and carry it
off with the roughage!
Do not fail to examine the full scientific principle of the quotes
>from  these ancient scrolls. For note it only includes the LIVING foods
- those that are still ALIVE with life giving oxygen and cleansing
This could suggest that we crave the very food that has built up in
our system. It could be charastic of the body to get used to and crave
the very posionous substance circulating in the blood stream just like
the person that smokes cigarettes or drinks alcohol for instance. To
sway away from this habit, most certainly will cause a healing crisis
to start in short order.
As a rule it will do no great harm to eat cooked foods, provided that
a sufficient quanity of live food is also taken.  When food is cooked,
its oxygen is lost and much of the vital force is destroyed.
There is nothing morally wrong with eating meat.  We just want to
point out that meat is non oxygenated food.  Many people point to the
fact that the creator did not deprive, Israel, of meat, and that early
Christians was not opposed to meat as a food.  However meat was not
even considered a food until after the flood of noah's day.  It would
have been either eat the flesh or die of starvation. They had no
alternative! It was a question of -survival- and they were forced to
swallow it even with the knowledge that it would cut their life span
>from  almost  a thousand years to less than one hundred and twenty
years (Genesis 6:3)! 

Washing Fruits and Vegetable's (dandelions)

All fruits and vegatables should always be washed before consuming
them. All foods that have been sprayed should be immersed in a strong
salt brine for as long as half an hour, then washed under cold running
water before being used. 
Another way is to create a diluted form of hydrochloric acid to Remove
parasites and various pesticides from  fruits and vegatables. To do
this, fill the sink with cold water and add the juice of 1 live lemon
and 5-8 tablespoons of salt.  Soaking 10-15 minutes should do the
trick. Wash the food well under cold water before use. 
Some sprays are poisonous to people who lack the normal digestive
acid. Also, in Mexico and the Orient, it is wise to wash all
vegatables period. Because the world is getting smaller, we do get
many of our fruits and vegatables from these Countries today. Try
Buy from your druggist one ounce of chemically pure hydrochloric acid
and pour it into three quarts of water. This makes approximately 1
percent solution and is harmless. Place this solution in a large jar.
It can be used for a week or more. Simply place the fruits or
vegatables in the solution for ten - fifteen minutes, then remove and
rinse them well with cold water.
You can also get a wash solution from the health food store with
instructions just for this purpose.
When the fruits and vegatables are juiced, many of the chemicals will
not adhere to the juice. The chemicals will adhere to the fiber left
in the hopper or basket like a magnet to steel.


Pythagoras,  "originator of science", taught that only living fresh
foods could enable man to apprehend the truth.
The body can be looked upon as an electrically charged battery. When
instruments are used on a person that is dead, there will not be any
electrical charge left.  
When all dead atoms are eaten and no live food has been consumed, our
negative side of ourselves show up. The eyes are able to tell it all
too!  The only exception is the condition of the gall bladder. The
fabric of the eye changes from the condition our body is in. The old
saying, you are what you eat. Look in the mirror and notice the
discrepancies with the fabric of the iris of your own eyes. Over time
this can show up as permanent damage. Put a drop of iodine on your
knee and it will appear immediately in the iris. The eye is the window
of the soul.
Chlorophyll is green and blood is red right? Put these under a common
ultra violet light and the blood turns green and the chlorophyll turns
red. The only molecular difference between the two is the atom of iron
in blood and the atom of magnesium in the plant.  
We have heard of  an experiment done with animals. The transfusion was
done with the green of the plant, not only did the animal survive, but
it thrived. The green of the plant was immediately transformed into
red blood by the liver according to the scientist Briukhonenko. Plants
reach up to the sky and grab sunlight and trap its energy into the
life blood of the plant called chlorophyll.
Animals are reported to be barely able to have a grasp on their
awareness, Man is supposed to be able to grasp awareness. We can
increase that awareness with live foods and time.  
An excellent source of little known information is a book about a man
that claimed to have cured himself of a disease called Tuberculosis. 
This book is called "MINERAL, VEGATABLE AND ANIMAL LIFE" by Edward
Leedskalnin. He laid in the sunshine completely uncovered for awhile
every day until he was cured. You will be glad you bought the book!
Also while you are at it consider the book called "MAGNETIC CURRENT"
or just order the complete writings in one packet. Coral Castle, 28655
South Federal Highway, Homestead, FL. 33030. Telephone (305) 248-6344
(we found it on one of our trips).
We have other documented cases from the days gone by, but this is the
most fascinating and informative for only $5.00 or so. Don't pass it
A gorilla has a remarkable resemblance to many of mans intestines. For
example, the colon is real close to ours. Yet if a gorilla is forced
to fed on vegatables for a couple of months, I doubt if the gorilla
will have enough strength left to lift a man. If the gorilla is fed
fruits for the same amount of time instead, the gorilla will not only
have the strength to lift the man, but to toss him a considerable
distance. Force this same gorilla to eat meat for this same period of
time, and the gorilla will die. 

Juicing Fruits and Vegetables

Do not mix vegetable and fruit juices together. The fruit acids are
not compatible with many vegatables and will upset your stomach. It is
better to wait around 2 hours between the two. The apple is an
exception to this rule. 
New blood cells are created every 14 days and chlorophyll juices can
make them stronger than they were before. This can cause the tree of
life (capillary) to be preserved. Dr. Garnet Cheney of the Stanford
School of Medicine proved cabbage juice (vitamin U) to heal ulcers by
checking closely with x-ray examinations.
Around 100 pounds of cooked cabbage is equivalent in nutrition to 1-2
pounds of raw cabbage. From this cabbage example, you can see how the
grocery bill can go way up just because fruits and vegatables are
cooked. For many people, this can be an excellent start to bring the
price of food under control with the decision made right in the

The requirement of health in every living cell is obtained partly from
the air we breath, the water we drink, and the food we eat. The rays
of the sun send billions of atoms into plant life and this force
changes inorganic substances into organic elements for food. Any part
of the food intake which has been deprived of its natural and normal
nutrients dilutes the food taken by the individual, and cuts down on
his luck to resist infections. 
Except in the case of accidents, all repair and regeneration of our
body and skin must come from within. 
It has been proven beyond a doubt that supplementing our meals with
raw vegetables and fruits, especially the raw juices, supply the
quickest and most permanent way to replenish the body with the
elements it lacks to look and feel better.
How much juice can be taken safely? As much as you can drink
comfortably without forcing yourself. One pint a day as a general rule
is the least amount that will have any results. Bear in mind that
juices can be a short cut to more energy and a healthier body and the
more juices you drink the better the results will be. A gallon or more
can be better yet. 
The green of the plant (chlorophyll) is one of the strongest healing
substances for man.  


The world has yet to learn the value of alfalfa other than it being
"just a food for livestock." Many farmers are dying with various
diseases caused by mineral deficiencies of unnatural and unbalanced
diets while all around them are FIELDS OF ALFALFA!
This plant has ten times the mineral value of various grains. At times
the roots go down as deep as one hundred feet and bring up rich, vital
minerals unattainable by other vegetation. It is a rich source of the
anti-hemorrhage vitamin, K.  Other vitamins are A,E,B,D and U. Also
contains other nutrients such as potassium, chlorine, sodium, silicon,
magnesium, and other known and yet unknown elements.
Alfalfa may be eaten fresh in a combination juice, or chopped and
cooked with spinach or other greens It is been known to help in cases
of diabetes, tuberculosis, rheumatism, Brightens disease, toxemia,
jaundice, neuralgia, insomnia, nervousness, syphilis, constipation,
lumbago, hardening of the arteries, dropsy, prostatitis, anemia, skin
eruptions and poor complexion. Alfalfa is a blood builder; also good
for teeth and bones. It is a splendid milk producer for nursing
mothers, ALFALFA TEA: made from dried leaves and sweetened with honey
if desired, is not only a good drink and tonic but it increases the
action of the kidneys; aids peristalsis of the bowels; is a good sweat
producer when taken hot. It increases the appetite and strengthens
digestive glands and is particularly indicated for inflammation of the
bladder, colds, fevers (drink unsweetened), Alfalfa tea greatly aids
the elimination    of various drug poisons from the body. When the tea
is needed, drink it  freely (hot or cold) instead of water.  This is
very powerful, so consider mixing with other vegatable juices (1/4
ALMONDS (and Almond Butter)

Known as a good all-around muscle and body builder, being one of the
most nourishing foods IF  DIGESTION IS GOOD. For teeth and bones and
in cases of emaciation (use the butter) and for nursing mothers.
Almonds or the other nuts are not recommended in the presence of
inflammation or congestion of the liver. Known for muscle and body
Note: (Botanically, nuts are fruits from trees and peanuts are


Eat them naturally raw skin and all! They should be  crushed and
crunched in the mouth to bring out their richest flavor! The apple is
known as a natural stimulation to all body secretions and is truly a
health-builder and disease killer. It is a food, beverage, tonic,
medicine,    cosmetic and bowel regulator all in one! It has been said
that plenty of  apples will not only keep the doctor away, but will
also keep the children  at home and the husband in at night!
Apples are excellent body cleansers and blood purifiers and are known
in cases of constipation, sluggish liver, brain fag, dropsy (dried
apples), dyspepsia, gout, obesity, skin eruptions, headaches,
jaundice, poor    teeth, indigestion, tender gums, pyorrhea, anemia,
tuberculosis, neuritis,    insomnia, catarrh, gall stones, rheumatism,
worms, arthritis.  
FRESH APPLE JUICE (sweet cider) is one of our most delicious  drinks.
Indicated for disorders mentioned above.
APPLE TEA, sweetened with honey is a healthful drink for cleansing the
urinary tract and for cases of male and female diseases. Wash    some
apples, slice them, leaving the peeling on. Dry slowly in a pan lined
with white paper, leaving the oven door open. When thoroughly dried,
close the oven door and roast them until a dark brown color is seen.
Store in dry place until needed and make by steeping as regular tea.
This fruit is known to be high in iron and richer in minerals than
most fruits.  Apricots are good body cleansers and are known for in
cases of anemia, constipation, tuberculosis, catarrh, asthma,
bronchitis, gall stones,  pimples, diarrhea and toxemia.

Known for a kidney stimulant, also in cases of anemia, acidity,
diarrhea, jaundice,  rheumatism, dropsy, halitosis, glandular
disorders, and neuritis.  


Known in cases of constipation, biliousness, gas,  jaundice, catarrh,
asthma, dropsy, and may be eaten by diabetics as a    potato

Eaten raw it is known for breaking up oxalic acid throughout the whole
muscular system. Good for rheumatism, neuritis, arthritis. A certain
amount may be safely eaten by those in good health - but it is to be
definitely avoided by any one with kidney or bladder trouble,
arthritis,    goiter, hepatitis or rheumatism. Asparagus increases the
formation of uric acid and irritates and congests the kidneys. It also
contains methyl mercaptan, a toxic substance which irritates and gives
a foul odor to one's  urine. 


A known food for body building and  for weak stomachs and
convalescents. Also indicated in cases of malnutrition, stomach
ulcers, enteritis, colitis, hemorrhoids, constipation, nervousness,
insomnia and impotency. When mashed and mixed with a little cheese or
other foods, it makes a delicious sandwich filling. Rich in nutrients.

A good general energy food, needed more by muscular workers than by
sedentary workers. Known to be valuable in cases of diarrhea, piles,
stomach ulcers and colitis. When real ripe, bananas are easily
digested and safe for children. Powdered bananas can be used in many
HUBBARD: These are more starchy and more nourishing than the above.
Known in cases of diarrhea, piles, colitis and stomach and bowel


Known as a body builder and valuable in cases of underweight, stomach
ulcers, diarrhea and good for teeth, hair and nails.  Barley water is
known for cases of fevers and helps  bronical spasms.

FRESH STRING BEANS: Closely akin to the green leafy vegetables, though
more  nourishing - a good general vegetable food,  Known for
constipation, rheumatism, bladder and kidney trouble and acidosis.  
KIDNEY AND NAVY BEANS: A rich, building food for muscular workers and
known to be valuable for a person who is anemic or under weight.   
LIMA AND BUTTER BEANS: Very rich in iron and easily digested,
therefore a wonderful food for anemics. Also known in cases of
tuberculosis, piles, emaciation, malnutrition and for all-around body
building and muscular development. 
SOY BEANS: This ancient food has many uses. It may be your soup, your
bread, your 'meat," your spread, your butter, cheese, coffee, sauce,
milk, sausage, crackers, cake, loaf, salad oil or nibblers. IT IS ONE
prevents pellagra and scurvy and aids growth and development of
children, and it is helpful in cases of neurasthenia and brain-fog
because of its lecithin content. 

BEET ROOTS: (red) 

When shredded or ground and eaten straw with a lemon-honey dressing,
they are known to be valuable in cases of constipation, jaundice,
dysentery, pimples and other skin disorders , kidney and bladder
disorders, obesity, stones in urinary bladder, tuberculosis, lumbago,
anemia, nervousness.  Sugar beets are known for constipation, liver
disorders, gout, low vitality, poor circulation, low blood pressure
and poor teeth. Food for red blood.  
BEET TOPS: (red) 

Richer than spinach in iron and other minerals. These good greens are
known to be valuable in cases of anemia, tuberculosis, constipation,
catarrh, arthritis, poor appetite, kidney and bladder disorders, bad
blood, dysentery, tumors, tonsillitis, dyspepsia, gout, pimples, low
vitality, nervousness, and good for teeth and bones. Excellent for
pregnant or nursing women and as an aid in eliminating irritating drug
poisons from the system.   

Known as a  good blood cleanser and general tonic.  Excellent cases
have been reported for  constipation, catarrh, anemia, dysentery,
weakened kidneys, rheumatism, liver trouble, arthritis, pimples,
diarrhea, menstrual cramps, lumbago and poor complexion.

A good blood purifier and an antiseptic. Known for anemia, food for
the eyes, constipation, poor complexion, dysentery, diarrhea, obesity
and menstruation disorders. During  WW2,  many pilots were fed
Blueberry jam to increase their night vision.           

BRAZIL NUTS: (and Brazil Nut Butter)

Reported to be one of the most nourishing foods, though not digested
by all people, a general body-builder for muscular workers and good
for teeth, bones,  malnutrition.
Note: (Botanically, nuts are fruits from trees and peanuts are

Known as a general body-building food, good for teeth, bones,  hair
and nails.

Known as a general body-building, though easier digested than wheat
breads. Needed for muscles, energy, teeth, hair and nails.

Known to contain many of the elements needed by the body for
nourishment. An energy food and needed for teeth, hair, bones and
nails. Most people eat too much bread and other starches, which
causes a great deal of their constipation, gas and sour stomachs.
Unless starches are chewed well and thereby mixed with the ptyalin in
saliva, digestion is not complete.

One of the most nourishing starchy foods of the South Seas, known as a
general body-building food, particularly indicated for muscular
workers. When mature on the tree breadfruit are about the size of
large grapefruit. They are generally boiled and eaten as one would eat
a boiled potato.

Known to be a good tonic food and indicated for obesity, constipation,
weak digestive glands, toxemia, neuritis and high blood pressure.


Known for for catarrh, obesity, acidosis, constipation and hardening
of the arteries. Also known for bleeding gums. 


Known as an energy food and general body builder - good for hair,
teeth and nails.

Known for energy and weight-building - the best animal fat—easy to
digest, but must be eaten moderately. Butter and other fats are not
recommended if there is any liver or gall-bladder disorders. 

BUTTER: (sweet)
Applied externally to burns have reported good results. 
A fine calcium food, known to be good for teeth and bones, muscle
builder, easily digested and ideal for invalids and convalescents. It
is known for cases of constipation, acidity, pimples, tuberculosis,
diarrhea, insomnia and helps destroy putrefactive bacteria in the

RED AND WHITE: For all who can digest it - eat it raw for best
results. The common cabbage is known as a good muscle builder and
blood cleanser and valuable for teeth, gums, hair, nails and bones.
Excellent cases have been reported for weak eyes, asthma,
tuberculosis, gout, scurvy, constipation, kidney and bladder
disorders, obesity, diabetes, toxemia, lumbago, skin eruptions. Juice
>from  a juice extractor is known to help heal stomach ulcers providing
the juice is consumed immediately after it is made.  
Approximately 100 pounds of boiled cabbage is nutritionally equivalent
to around 1-2 pounds of raw cabbage.  


See melons for medicinal values. 


Eat them raw as much as possible or juice them. Carrots and the juice
rank high in medicinal value. Known in cases of obesity, toxemia, poor
blood, constipation, asthma, poor complexion, poor teeth, pyorrhea,
insomnia, high blood pressure, neurasthenia, tuberculosis, inflamed
kid-            kidney and bladder, colitis, neuritis, catarrh, dropsy
and as a beautifier of hair and nails. Known for causing the eyes to
emminate a healthy beautiful glow.                

(From Raw Crushed Carrots): Its is reported to be a soothing,  healing
action to ulceration's, inflammations and malignancies of the
digestive tract, its ease of digestion, plus its high alkaline mineral
content, make it valuable in many cases. Carrot juice is indicated in
cases of acidosis, sore throat, gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis,
colon ulcers, bad blood, asthma, appendicitis, kidney and bladder
disorders, gout, neuralgia, nervousness, poor complexion, skin
eruptions, rheumatism, arthritis, insomnia, gall stones, high blood
pressure, diabetes, cancer, and as an aid in eliminating old
accumulated drug poisons from the body. When added to milk for babies
it is a good preventive of rickets, bow-legs, bad teeth.

According to the condition of the individual, raw carrot juice may be
taken indefinitely in any reasonable quantities, from one to six or
eight pints a day. It has been known to normalize the entire system.
It is the richest source of Vitamin A which the body can quickly
assimilate. It helps to promote the appetite and is an aid to
digestion. It is also a valuable aid in the improvement and
maintenance of the bone structure of the teeth.
Nursing mothers should drink plenty of raw carrot juice, to enhance
the quality of their milk, as a breast milk diet may under certain
circumstances not provide sufficient vital foods. During the last
months of pregnancy, raw carrot juice, taken in sufficient quantities,
tends to reduce the possibilities of puerperal sepsis at childbirth.
Raw carrot juice is reported to be a natural solvent for ulcerous and
cancerous conditions. It is a resistant to infections, doing most
efficient work in conjunction with the adrenal glands. It prevents
infections of eyes and of the throat, as well as of the tonsils and
sinuses and the respiratory organs generally. It also protects the
nervous system and is unequaled for increasing vigor and vitality.
Intestinal and liver diseases are sometimes due to a lack of certain
of the elements contained in prepared raw carrot juice. When this is
the case then a noticeable cleaning up of the liver will take place
and the  material which was clogging it up will be found to dissolve.
Frequently this is released so copiously that the intestinal and
urinary channels are inadequate to care for this overflow and in a
perfectly natural manner it is passed into the lymph for elimination
>from  the body by means of the pores of the skin. This material has a
distinctly orange or yellow pigment and while it is being so
eliminated from the body will sometimes discolor the skin. Whenever
such a discoloration takes place after drinking carrot or other juices
it is an indication that the liver is getting a well needed cleansing
(Nothing to worry about).
It is NOT the carrot juice itself that comes through the skin.  To
facilitate the description of the  juices most efficient for the
following ailments and their various combinations have been listed and
the number of ounces of juice indicated for each ailment.

For adults the formula combinations should be taken over a period of
several weeks in order to obtain any perceptible results.
The juices for each ailment are given in the order of their greatest
efficacy, those which are essential being indicated When possible, at
least one pint of the Combination should be taken daily.
Please remember that by combining one or more different juices changes
the chemical combination of each one completely, so that the effect of
the combination as a whole will be entirely different from that of
each juice if taken separately, therefore we are able to get results
that seem unbelievable to those who lack this experience.
NOTE: Use Tops AND Roots of Beets, Dandelion, Radish and Turnips. When
preparing Carrots cut off the tops one-half inch below the rings where
the green stems start. Do not peel carrots.
To remove sprays, etc., wash vegetables thoroughly with cold, running
water, using a stiff brush when necessary.

CASHEW NUTS: (and Cashew Nut Cutter)
Known as a good body builder—contains less fat and is easier digested
than pecans, walnuts, almonds and Brazil nuts. 
Note: (Botanically, nuts are fruits from trees and peanuts are

Known to be a blood purifier in cases of asthma, kidney and bladder
disorders, high blood pressure, gout, bad complexion, biliousness and
constipation. Always eat the leaves as greens for rich minerals. 
CELERY JUICE: (From Raw, Crushed Celery)

Known as a good general tonic and blood purifier. known for arthritis,
rheumatism, appendicitis,  lymphangitis, poor appetite, dyspepsia,
biliousness, fevers, gout, epilepsy, Bright's disease, syphilis,
tumors, sciatica, stomach ulcers, sort throat, cinchonism and
elimination of other irritating drugs. (See Juice Chart.)

Known to be good  in cases of gout, anemia, constipation, rheumatism,
catarrh, obesity, acidosis, poor appetite and bad blood. 


CHEESE: (cottage) 

Known as an easily digested body-building protein -  good for teeth
and bones and in cases of colitis, piles and stomach ulcers. Rich in

 (American, Swiss and processed) 

General body-building proteins, though they should be eaten sparingly.

Known as a good spring cleanser and valuable in cases of anemia, poor
complexion, bad blood, catarrh, constipation. gall stones, worms,
arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis, and
asthma. Also effective cleansers of the liver and kidneys. 

Known as a general body-building and good for teeth and pyorrhea. They
are preferred roasted. 
Botanically, nuts are fruits from trees and peanuts are legumes. 
The root when dried and roasted has been used for a long time as a
good coffee substitute Also known in cases of gout, neuritis, sluggish
liver, poor digestion, dropsy, low blood pressure and as a general

Known to increase the flow of urine and good for gout, poor appetite,
asthma, catarrh, tuberculosis and low blood pressure.
CIDER: (Fresh Apple Juice)
Known for poor appetite, anemia, rheumatism, acidosis, bronchitis,
constipation, gonorrhea, cystitis, syphilis and poor complexion. Also
see Apples.


Chopped raw tender clover may be eaten plain or in combination salads.
It may be cooked with spinach, turnips or other greens.  Can also be
made into a tea. Known to help in cases of cancer of the stomach,
tuberculosis, diabetes, jaundice, syphilis, skin diseases, anemia,
constipation, nervous exhaustion, insomnia and aids the eradication of
destructive drug poisons from the body. Excellent blood purifier.


Coconut trees grow along the shore where the roots are in or near the
ocean brine. Coconuts contain organic iodine and when chewed well are
good body builders. Known for constipation, tape worms and other
worms, goiter, gas, dysentery. 
The coconut tree is the world's most useful tree. It furnishes food,
drink, butter, milk, and oil. COCONUT MILK may be used in many ways
similar to cow's milk and is very soothing in cases of sore throat,
stomach ulcers and gastritis. An excellent thyroid gland food (organic
COCONUT OIL is soothing and healing to wounds, sunburns and other
burns. Coconut butter is the easiest of all fats to digest and is one
of the fats used in margarine, which in some respects is recommended
in preference to COMMERCIAL cow's butter.


Known for cases of constipation, as a general building food. When
properly chewed, tender sweet corn is easily digested, being relished
by many uncooked. Known for cases of anemia,  constipation,
emaciation, and a general body-building food.


Known as a general body-builder, good for teeth, hair, nails, gums and
bones and is considerably  less constipating than other grains. The
yellow corn meal is more nourishing and easier digested than the white
and contains more vitamin A.

A valuable green leafy vegetable, very popular in the southern states
and is very tasty. It is rich in alkaline minerals and known to help
in cases of anemia, liver trouble, acidosis, rheumatism, constipation,
tuberculosis, neuritis, arthritis, obesity, cystitis, and is an aid in
eliminating                         drug poisons from the body. 


Rich, heavy foods, hard to digest—eat sparingly. Known  for goiter and
other glandular disorders. They are iodine foods.

CRACKERS: (Whole Grain—Wheat or Rye)

Values are the same as whole-grain breads.


Raw cranberries are known for poor appetite, asthma, bad complexion,
tuberculosis, fevers, liver disorders, pimples and other skin
diseases, dysentery, gout, diabetes, diarrhea, obesity, constipation,
high blood pressure, atonic stomach, tumors and catarrh and bladder


People who live on the desert or in other hot climates have reported
excellent results because it is a COOLING FOOD. The temperature inside
the cucumber is cooler than the ambient (outside) temperature. Known
to help with fevers, constipation ( pyorrhea, neuralgia, skin
eruptions, high blood pressure, nervousness, erysipelas, rheumatism,
acidosis. Known to be one of the best diuretics.


Known for ulcers of the stomach and bladder, fevers, stones and


Known as a potent blood-cleanser and body-purifier, tuberculosis,
stones, for cleansing the liver, gall bladder and spleen; for
syphilis, eczema, cancer, tumors, dropsy, high blood pressure,
acidosis and as a good general tonic. Also a valuable aid in
eliminating old, irritating drug poisons. Works real good as a
laxative Juicing, try poking a few leaves in the hopper and use a
carrot as a poker. Recommend 3/4 glass of carrot or other vegatable
and 1/4 dandelion greens.


Known to be of help for colds, dyspepsia, diabetes, tuberculosis,
rheumatism, arthritis, kidney, bladder and liver disorders.


Known as a nourishing, concentrated, easily digested food for everyone
and particularly recommended as "candy" for growing children. Known
for anemia, low blood pressure, poor circulation, constipation,
stomach ulcers, piles, colitis, dysmenorrhea, pyorrhea, nervousness,
low vitality, tuberculosis. Nursing mothers will find them valuable
and they are a source of quick energy. 


Known as bone and muscle builders - a concentrated protein and should
be eaten sparingly. Too many eggs can cause acidosis, bad blood,
excessive gas and tout stools. May be eaten for low vitality, low
blood pressure, anemia and alkalosis. Known as a brain food. The
whites should be discarded because they are for making feathers.

EGG YOLKS when added to orange, grapefruit or pineapple juice, two or
three times a week, give one pep and is known to raises resistance to
disease. A small portion of an egg-yolk may be added now and then to
the baby's milk.


Do not eat them fried. They are delicious and healthful when baked
plain or as a la casserole with cheese. Known in cases of
constipation, colitis, nervousness and stomach ulcers.


Known in cases of asthma, skin diseases, biliousness, bad blood,
tuberculosis, gout, diabetes, constipation, rheumatism, anemia, high
blood pressure, catarrh, sluggish liver, acidosis, arthritis and

FIGS: (White or Black)

When buying dried figs specify the unsulphured. This is another dried
fruit which makes ideal, healthful "candy," not only for children but
for adults as well. Figs are known to be valuable for constipation,
low blood pressure, anemia, dropsy, colitis, emaciation, asthma,
tuberculosis, pleurisy, catarrh, gout, rheumatism, cancer, poor
complexion and skin eruptions. 

(fig juice)

>From  the soaked or stewed figs is not only a fine laxative for
children and adults, but also good for sore throat, coughs and
inflammations or ulceration's of the digestive tract.


Known as a general muscle and body-building food and the easiest of
all flesh foods to digest if not fried. Eat fish sparingly in warm
climates. Ocean fish are a source of iodine and indicated for
impotency and general run down glandular disorders. 


Known for cases of gastritis, colitis or other inflammations of the
digestive tract, do not use them except in the finely powdered form.
The whole seeds are hard and sharp and may cause more irritation.
FLAXSEED TEA:  For sore throat, coughs, stomach ulcers, proctitis,
painful urination, inflamed bladder and dysentery. Known for help in
relaxing the bowels when the tea is used in the enema or colonic


Garlic, I'm afraid, we'll have to call the "social out-cast food !"
Nevertheless, when speaking of its medicinal value, it is right up on
the front row! Eat it raw when possible, parsley, mint or organic
orange peeling when chewed after the meal, helps eliminate the odor.
Garlic is known as a digestive stimulant, an internal antiseptic and a
gland regulator. Reported in cases of colds, asthma, diphtheria,
chronic catarrh, bronchitis, tuberculosis, malaria, worms, epilepsy,
high blood pressure (take the oil of garlic), whooping cough, dropsy,
fevers, gas, dyspepsia, hardening of the arteries, thyroid
hypo-function, sinusitis, nerve depletion, and promotes the
elimination and expectoration of phlegm and mucus. If the garlic is
eaten raw, it is known to help in cases of bladder infections, many
times, " immediate results have been reported". 
Note: (garlic should not be eaten in any form if there is inflammation
of the stomach or bowels).


Known for dyspepsia, constipation, sluggish liver, congested gall
bladder, bad blood, poor complexion, catarrh, neuritis,  and


Grapes are an ideal food. Known as a good blood and body builder - the
juice is easily assimilated and is a source of quick energy.  Reported
in cases of anemia, cancer, tuberculosis, constipation, low blood
pressure, poor circulation, poor appetite, rheumatism, dyspepsia,
acidosis, jaundice, pimples and skin diseases, diarrhea, gall stones,
liver disorders, gout, nerve exhaustion and arthritis. 
The "grape cure," whereby only grapes or grape juice are taken for
several days or weeks, is very beneficial as an aid in overcoming many
chronic diseases. Fresh grape juice is truly a "nectar for the gods."
The grape is probably the oldest domestic fruit we have. The fruit and
the wine made from it are frequently mentioned in writings reaching
back to the dawn of history. Apples are mentioned in the Old
Testament, but there is no certainty that the word which King James
experts translated as 'apple' meant an apple as we know it. "The grape
has a very high value to the body as food and medicine. It is mildly
laxative, diuretic, and like all other fruits, anti-scorbutic. It
contains one of the four beneficent fruit acids so useful to the body.
These acids in the process of digestion release potassium, sodium, and
magnesium, which are changed into carbonates and overcome by their
alkalinity the acids in the blood.
The average grape contains nearly 80 per cent water (pure-distilled)
and about 13 per percent sugar; and many scientists agree that grape
sugar is one of the easiest of all fruit sugars to digest and
"The grape contains (organic) iron, which helps to build up the red
corpuscles of the blood."

Few people realize peaches rank next to oranges and grapes as food for
man. In appearance there is no fruit more attractive and beautiful
than a golden peach with a pink cheek. Nor is there any fruit more
inviting to the taste than a juicy, luscious peach. The main objection
against peaches is, that when ripe they will not keep like oranges and


Known as a natural antiseptic for wounds when used externally and
indicated in cases of obesity, sluggish liver, gall stones, catarrh,
malaria, fevers, high blood pressure, pneumonia, biliousness, poor
digestion, poor complexion, morning sickness and valuable as a
drug-poison eliminator. Also known as the flu destroyer. Do not eat in
cases of acid stomach, colitis or stomach ulcers. 

HAZELNUTS (filberts)

A rich food for those with good digestion's - eat small amounts. They
are known as a  general body building food, good for teeth, gums and
bones, and known in cases of emaciation and low blood pressure. 
Note: (Botanically, nuts are fruits from trees and peanuts are


One of our richest nuts and is known as good general body-builder,
indicated in cases of low vitality, low  blood pressure, emaciation
and poor teeth. 
Note: (Botanically, nuts are fruits from trees and peanuts are

HONEY: (raw)

THE KING OF SWEETS furnishes quick energy with ease of  digestion.
Known to increase oxidation and promotes better circulation; is
slightly diuretic and mildly laxative. Indicated in cases of anemia,
bronchitis, asthma, sore throat, coughs, emaciation, poor circulation,
pleurisy, low blood pressure, Raynaud's disease, nervous exhaustion,
catarrh and alcoholism—take a tablespoonful when the craving for
liquor comes on.


Known as a  digestive stimulant, and a great dissolver of mucus in the
system. Also a good diuretic. Is of value in cases of colds, asthma,
dropsy, coughs, poor appetite, low blood pressure, catarrh,
bronchitis, dyspepsia. The leaves are rich in alkaline minerals and
make good greens, which aid in eliminating old,  irritating drugs
which may  still be in one's system.


A natural astringent known in cases of high blood pressure, obesity,
dysentery and diarrhea.


Known for diabetes. Steep one-half ounce in a quart of water for four
hours and drink at least three glasses per day.


Known in cases of constipation, acidosis, poor teeth, pyorrhea,
arthritis, gout, rheumatism, skin diseases and bladder disorders. 

KELP: (Also Sea Lettuce, Irish Moss and Dulse)

These various types of sea vegetation when eaten fresh or dried and
powdered, are known as a valuable source of minerals, some of which
are not found in land vegetables because of the variation or depletion
of soils.
The minerals present in these sea plants are very uniform. They are
known for mineral deficiency and are truly protective foods. They aid
weak digestion's, help to prevent and overcome goiter and help to
rebuild and maintain function of all the glands. HAVE IT ON YOUR TABLE
DAILY. Better to think of this as your iodine source rather than
iodized table salt.
Sprinkle it on your salads, vegetables and other foods. Kelp helps
offset the deficiency of inferior diets and is needed by pregnant
women. Kelp helps normalize gland and cell action whereby the energy
out-put of the body may be regulated. Also known in cases of
cretinism, dwarfism, impotency, nervousness, emaciation, nervous
exhaustion, acidosis, constipation and anemia.


This member of the orange family is known in cases of obesity, high
blood pressure, sluggish liver, catarrh, fevers, dyspepsia, pneumonia.


Known to help with colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, influenza,
insomnia, tuberculosis, neuritis, low blood pressure, poor appetite,
gall stones, poor hair, urinary diseases and nervous exhaustion.


This citrus fruit is known to be very high in its medicinal value,
known to have many therapeutical uses. Lemon juice is a natural
antiseptic which may be safely applied directly to cuts, bruises and
infections in the same manner as the various poisonous antiseptics are
used. Cleanse the cuts or wounds with warm water and then apply
straight or diluted lemon juice.
Lemon juice is good for the skin and the complexion when taken
internally and when used externally as follows: FOR ACNE, ECZEMA AND
ERYSIFELAS apply the straight juice on the skin and allow it to dry.
FOR BOILS OR CARBUNCLE'S, heat a lemon and cut it in two; apply the
small end as a hot poultice and bind thereon. When the boil breaks,
remove all dressing and pus and cleanse it with boiled water into
which has been placed the juice of one lemon. FOR BLACKHEADS AND OPEN
SORES, rub the straight juice on the face each night, allow it to dry
and do not wash it off until morning. A lotion of lemon juice and rose
water, applied as mentioned above, makes a good FACE BLEACH and is
excellent for removing TAN AND FRECKLES. FOR WRINKLES, the straight
juice is known to act as an astringent when rubbed across them and
allowed to dry. Wash off later and massage with coconut or olive oil.
Lemon juice on your tooth brush or the use of the inside portion of
the rind when rubbed on teeth, gums and tongue makes a good substitute
DENTIFRICE now and then because it is also hard on tooth enamel if
used too much. It helps whiten teeth, removes tartar and stains and is
a good preventive of pyorrhea. 
The juice of one lemon in a glass of water makes a good rinse after a
shampoo. It cuts out the soap, invigorates the scalp and makes the
hair glossy. FOR DANDRUFF, rub the cut end of a lemon into the scalp
before shampooing.
FOR SORE AND REDDENED HANDS, rub them a few minutes with lemon juice,
rinse them off and apply olive oil, coconut oil or (Vaseline or better
yet Vegatable Jelly).
The itch of INSECT BITES AND POISON OAK OR IVY may be arrested by
applying the pure juice.
FOR COUGHS mix equal parts of lemon juice and glycerine or honey. Take
a tablespoonful  every two hours and allow it to slowly trickle down
the throat.
FOR DIPTHERIA first swallow a tablespoonful of straight juice; then
gargle with a 50-50 solution of lemon juice and water every hour;
later every two or three hours.
EAR INFECTIONS, strain the juice from the pulp and pour straight into
each ear. Leave for a few minutes and rinse well. Excellent results
have been reported with this after a few applications.
FOR PARCHED LIPS, TONGUE AND PALATE mix equal parts of lemon juice and
glycerin; apply to lips and tongue with absorbent cotton.
FOR RICKETS-- give the child some lemon juice and honey daily.
FOR SORE THROAT AND TONSILLITIS Paint the throat externally with
straight juice several  times a day and with a swab apply straight
juice on each tonsil.
FOR MALARIA AND INFLUENZA, take the juice of a lemon equally diluted
with water three or four times each day.
FOR SINUS INFECTIONS, take it internally and also sniff a solution of
equal parts lemon juice and cool water up the nostrils each morning
and evening. Note: (many people have also reported good results using
salt water for sinus infections).
Many people find that the juice of one-half lemon in a cup of warm
water upon awakening is beneficial for OBESITY and acts as an
Lemon juice can be used in place of vinegar in making mayonnaise and
other dressings for salads. The Organic lemon peel may be used for
seasoning and flavoring.
In addition to the above mentioned uses, lemon juice is also indicated
in cases of asthma, biliousness (also chew peeling), poor blood,
colds, gout, fevers, headaches, jaundice, morning sickness, pneumonia,
rheumatism, arthritis, nausea, dropsy, neuritis, dyspepsia, varicose
veins (take internally and apply externally). It is a good general
blood and body purifier and a mild diuretic. Do not take lemon juice
in cases of colitis or other inflammations of the digestive tract. The
juice also aids in the removal of old drug poisons from the tissues. 


Known to be a very nourishing, body-building food for muscular workers
and they are also rich in vital minerals. Particularly indicated in
cases of anemia, emaciation and low blood pressure. Lentil soup for
ulceration's of the digestive tract and for convalescents. 


The Romaine variety is richer in minerals,  known to be valuable in
cases of anemia, constipation, insomnia, dyspepsia, acidosis,
headaches, nervousness, catarrh, tuberculosis, circulatory diseases
gout, diseases of the urinary tract (it is mildly diuretic),
neurasthenia, rheumatism and arthritis.
Common head lettuce contains little nutrition but it does contain the
green (chlorophyll).


Known for biliousness, arthritis, scurvy, poor blood and sluggish
liver. May be used as an antiseptic and in other ways as stated for
the lemons. 


It has been known for some time that liver is valuable in cases of
anemia and emaciation due to its high iron content and blood cells
which are easily assimilated. Only recently has liver been known to be
a storehouse of many vitamins. Causes super putrefaction in the body
so it should be used sparingly.


See Blackberries and Raspberries for medicinal value. 


Known to help in cases of constipation, obesity, acidosis and for
general purification of the body.


This delicious fruit of the tropics is known for nephritis and other
kidney disorders, acidosis, fevers, poor digestion, cystitis and
respiratory diseases.


A good natural sweetening furnishes quick energy and heat.


The king of summer foods ! They are very cooling and induces gentle
perspiration. During the hot summer days few people would suffer from
the heat if many of their meals would consist of  melon only. Known in
cases of fever, skin diseases, kidney and bladder disorders, stones,
constipation, poor complexion, high blood pressure, bad blood,
rheumatism and arthritis.


Very well known to be superior to cows milk for both children and
adults, It is richer in minerals, is more easily  digested and not as
mucus forming. For babies, it is a safe substitute for mother's milk.
Known to help in cases of gastritis stomach ulcers, nervousness,
emaciation, diseases of teeth and bones, tuberculosis, eczema, anemia,
rickets, diarrhea, dysentery, and enteritis. 

MOLASSES: (black strap)

For quick energy and warmth and indicated for low blood pressure,
anemia and emaciation. Excellent source of iron.


There is little or no medicinal value other than its content of
vitamins and minerals. Popularly used in making sauces and are eaten
frequently as a meat substitute.


Known as a invigorator of the sexual organs and a body-building food,
though quite toxic. Sometimes beneficial for nervousness and thyroid


An excellent tonic. Known for anemia, poor blood, constipation,
bronchitis, rheumatism,  arthritis, stones, acidosis, kidney and
bladder trouble, pregnancy and lactation. Also aids in the elimination
of poisonous drugs from the body. 


Known for biliousness, worms, tuberculosis, gas, high blood pressure,
bladder trouble, rheumatism, obesity, asthma, dyspepsia, bronchitis. 


Botanically, nuts are fruits from trees and peanuts are legumes.  Nuts
are the richest of foods.
Because of their high fat content many people cannot digest them.
However, if the liver and other digestive organs are in fairly good
condition, nuts are known for general body building. Each is listed

