
PANUPS: Resource Pointer #107

                         P A N U P S
                   Pesticide Action Network 
                        North America
                       Updates Service

Resource Pointer #107

December 10, 1996

For copies of the following resources, please contact 
the appropriate publishers or organizations directly.

-- Conferences/Seminars --

*Sustainable Agriculture in Cuba, February 20-28, 1997.* 
Food First and Global Exchange. Study seminar will 
travel to Cuba and teach participants about Cuba's 
national conversion to organic agriculture. Trip will 
include visits to University of Havana Agricultural 
School, urban gardens, farmers markets, agricultural 
cooperatives and several crop and animal production 
sites. US$1,300 includes airfare from Mexico, visa fees, 
accomodations, transportation in Cuba, breakfasts and 
dinners, program fee, translation and reading materials. 
Application plus US$200 deposit due January 15, 1997. 
Reality Tour Program, Global Exchange, 2017 Mission 
Street, #303, San Francisco, CA 94110; phone (415) 255-
7296; fax (415) 255-7498; email globalexch@igc.org.

*Counting the Cost of Industrial Agriculture: The 10th 
National Conference on Organic Food Production, January 
3-5, 1997.* The Soil Association (UK). Conference will 
emphasize issues related to organic agriculture and 
costs of conventional agriculture in Britain, including 
BSE (Mad Cow Disease), organophosphate pesticides, 
consumer demand for organic food and animal welfare. 
Sessions will include discussions of agriculture policy, 
conversion incentives, producing organic livestock, 
energy use on organic farms and international issues. 
Contact The Soil Association for price information. The 
Cirencester Conference Organizers, The Soil Association, 
86 Colston Street, Bristol BS1 5BB, England; phone (44 
117) 929-0661; fax (44 117) 925-2504; email 

-- Directories --

*Consultative Group on International Agricultural 
Research (CGIAR) Trustee Directory, 1996.* CGIAR 
Secretariat. Provides names, titles and contact 
information for board members of CGIAR centers. Includes 
information about professional backgrounds and 
nationalities of board members and includes list of 
women board members. 128 pp. CGIAR Secretariat, 1818 H 
Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433; phone (202) 473-8913; 
fax (202) 473-8110; http://www.cgiar.org.

*Global Pesticides Directory, 1995.* Suchak's 
Consultancy Services. Provides information about 
pesticide production, sales and regulation worldwide. 
Includes contact information for pesticide producers and 
regulatory agencies; lists pesticides used in each of 
many countries; and describes pesticide registration 
processes for many countries. Focuses on presenting 
information about world pesticide market to Indian 
agrochemical producers. 460 pp. Suchak's Consultancy 
Services, 52, Utkarsh, J.A. Raul Road, Prabhadevi, 
Bombay 400 025, India; phone (91 22) 437-4198; fax (91 
22) 436-0755.

*Carroll's Environmental Directory, 1995.* Neda Zawahri, 
ed. Provides contact information for range of 
environmental organizations, businesses and government 
agencies in the U.S., including large listing of 
environmental officers at industrial corporations such 
as chemical, food processing and agricultural companies. 
Includes list of information clearinghouses and 
databases. 884 pp. US$185. Carroll Publishing, 1058 
Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007; phone 
toll free (800) 336-4240 or (202) 333-8620; fax (202) 

We encourage those interested in having resources listed 
in the Online Resource Pointer to send review copies of 
publications, videos or other sources to our office 
(address listed below) or to contact Information Program 
Associates Adam Kirshner or Gina Schilling for further 

|      Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)       |
|                                                           |
| Phone:(415) 541-9140           Fax:(415) 541-9253         |
| Email: panna@panna.org         http://www.panna.org/panna/|
| PANNA, 116 New Montgomery, #810, San Francisco, CA 94105  |
|                                                           |
|*To subscribe to PANUPS send email to MAJORDOMO@igc.apc.org|
| with the following text on one line: subscribe panups     |
| To unsubscribe send the following: unsubscribe panups     |
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|*For basic information about PANNA, send an email message  |
| to panna-info@igc.apc.org                                 |