
Re: Pesticides -who's to blame??

On    09/12/96 22:54
Ray Howe <rhowe@polaristel.net> at Internet wrote,

>Let's look at this from the Brazilian farmer's viewpoint: the clever North 
>Americans and Europeans are taking the world markets on grain by taxpayer 
>subsidies forcing the non-subsidized nations to outproduce--this means 
>dstroying the rain forests, using all the chemicals it takes to gain high 
>production etc.  They are able to do this because the clever North Americans 
>and Europeans are willing and able to sell them chemicals at a high profit 
>that cannot be sold in the cleverer worlds.
     I have a question regarding the practice of selling pesticides that 
     cannot be sold in America to farmers abroad.  After selling these 
     banned substances, do we in turn purchase the produce that these 
     chemicals were used on?  
