
Re: Ecological Economics and Entropy

On 12 Dec 1996, David Lloyd-Jones wrote:

> On 12 Dec 1996 19:00:33 GMT, sync@inforamp.net (J McGinnis) wrote:
> >>In that decade the overall number of nuclear weapons in the world has
> >>declined by perhaps as much as 40%. All the major powers, including
> >>France and China, have ratified and come under the aegis of the
> >>nuclear test ban treaty.  The Union of South Africa has given up its
> >>nuclear weapons, and the nuclear weapons programs of Iraq, Egypt and
> >>North Korea have been halted.
> There is your proof.

This is no proof that there is no problem with nuclear weapons. Remember 
those laws of thermodynamics, buddy? Matter can be neither created nor 
destroyed?  There are just as many nuclear weapons today as there were 
before. Some of them may just be buried somewhere in a desert next to an 
Indian reservation or simply not pointing at anyone in particular. As 
long as anyone continues to belittle the universal problems of nuclear 
power, whether as weapons or fuel, then this world will not be safe.
