

  We have created two mailing lists aimed at people interested in minor crops
such as pulses (peas, beans, lentils), birdseeds (millet, canaryseed),
specialty oilseeds and other products.

 The first is called CASHCROP and you can join simply by sending a message to
CASHCROP-REQUEST@STAT.MLNET.COM and in the body of the message write the words
JOIN or SUBSCRIBE. This is an unmoderated mailing list aimed at discussing all
aspects of these crops -- including markets. We will put up a daily summary of
grower prices in Canada, plus some other public domain information to help
stimulate discussion.

 The second is a subscriber-based mailing list, which contains market
commentary, trade, and supply-demand statistics on specialty crops. This list
contains the same information sold by STAT Publishing via the FBMInet in
western Canada, the Globalink satellite system, and directly through its
publications STAT and the Grey Book statistical companion.

 To learn more about both lists sinply send a message to:


 Hopefully this information will prove useful to many of you.

Brian Clancey