
CSA Networking List set up.

The e-mail list "csa-l@prairienet.org" for networking on Community 
Supported Agriculture is now up and running.  The listowners are John 
Barclay (jbarclay@prairienet.org) of Prairieland CSA in Champaign, 
Illinois and Sarah Milstein of Roxbury Biodynamic Farm 
(milstein@pipeline.com).  Sorry for the delay in getting it up and 
going...we've just installed new listproc software on our local freenet 
and had some headaches.

To subscribe send a message to "listproc@prairienet.org" with "subscribe 
csa-l Firstname Lastname" in the message.  Don't use the quotes.

To send a message to the entire list, address it to "csa-l@prairienet.org".

The list is in the trial phase with the purpose/focus and frequently 
asked questions postings (FAQs) being developed.  After subscribing, 
please send a brief biography to the list and we will integrate it into a 
document that will be posted periodically to the list and available on 
the World Wide Web.

Please forward this message to anyone who might be interested or any 
other e-mail lists or newsgroups.

John Barclay        (217) 352-4025     jbarclay@firefly.prairienet.org
Champaign, IL, USA   http://www.prairienet.org/~jbarclay/homepage.html