
Biodiversity: Convention of Parties

   Please excuse the cross posting.

   I've placed a large number of files regarding the Convention on 
   Biological Diversity in the Conservation Biology ftp/gopher/www archives.
   These include documents from UNEP and NGOs from the previous
   sessions (I and II) of the Intergovernmental Committee on the
   Convention on Biological Diversity, and the current Convention
   of Parties to be held in Nassau, 28 November - 9 December 1994.

   The files are stored at Communication for a Sustainable Future
   (CSF) in Colorado. Users may ftp csf.colorado.edu, gopher 
   csf.colorado.edu, or point their Web clients to:

             http://csf.colorado.edu (the CSF Home Page)
      or     http://csf.colorado.edu/consbio (the Conservation Biology HP)

   The files can be found in the directories:

          Conservation Biology
                Topic Areas
                    Convention on Biological Diversity

   Feel free to contact me if you have questions. This archive is open,
   and I will be happy to help people create an area and put documents
   up if they are interested.

   Preston Hardison