


This message was originally addressed to Leo Elliott [76440.1416@COMPUSERVE.COM]
and a carbon copy was sent to you.
I thought I'd let you know of some of the new developments here in Saint
Cloud.  The world of BBSing is taking a quantum leap forward.  Local
BBSs may just give the cable companies a run for their money on the new
highway with no limits.

This message was originally in conference Main Board on GRANITE (Granite
City BBS) and was forwarded to you by JIM MCNELLY

   ---------------------------------------- BUCKLE UP

We (Rusty and Christine), have some exciting news for you. We hope that
you will bear with us. This is going to be a long explanation.
together as ONE BBS.  We have decide to call this new "venture"
                        CYBER SPACE
Both of us are very very excited about the possibilities that this
joining will provide to St. Cloud (and the rest of Minnesota).

   First off, NO ONE will loose anything at all with this joining.
Everyone will be gaining a LOT. So, for those of you who called to GCB
a short explanation.
We will be running PCBoard as a door to the Major BBS, so that those of
you using qmail or cam-mail or pcboards .qwk feature will still have it
available. We may also keep ONE (1) node setup (656-0678?) as a dialin
for mail only.  All the files on GCB will be moved to Cyber Space.  All
that will be left on GCB will be mail (all 3,500 conferences).  I plan
to write a Robo script and 1stReader script to log in and open the
pcboard door, then log you into pcboard and get your mail (so that
nothing will change).  I do not have the ability to write scripts for
QModem so, someone else will need to to that.  You (as former PCBoard
users), will now have access to all the cdroms (18) available on Cyber
Space. You will also have access to the forums (MajorNet) conferences.
Of course, you will have access to all the online gaming and other
goodies (like tradewars,mutants, fazuul, androids, super lotto, super
nova, hangman and all the other interactive games).  Your account on GCB
will stay active as is BUT you will also have your "time left" converted
over to Cyber Space's accounting methods (credits).  We will take your
time left, what you paid and divide it down to credits.  This way you
loose nothing.
Now, for those of you OUTPOST! users. You also will loose nothing.  BUT,
you will gain access to all 3,500 conferences that PCBoard offered.  For
those of you who don't know.... we offer Intelec a (national/worldwide)
network of about 150 conferences on many many topics. Please, download
INTELEC.TXT for a listing of the conferences available.  Also available
is ILINK, a (national/worldwide) network of 50 (so far) conferences.
These are different than Intelec but some have the same topics. Please,
download ILINK.TXT for more information.  PEN (Planet Earth Network) is
a network of Ecological conferences on (guess?)... Planet Earth.
Download PEN.TXT for a listing.  One of the most exciting additions for
you will be the Internet.  You will have access to over 3,000 Internet
Newsgroups and a private Internet email address!!! WOW! this is going to
be GREAT!  You can send mail to anyone, anywhere (that is on the
Internet).  Send mail to your friends at America On-Line, Compuserve,
Genie, Prodigy, MCI Mail, AT&T Mail, etc etc etc etc..  You also will
need to open the PCBoard door to use these conferences.
Now, for more information to all of you.  There are going to be a LOT of
exciting additions to Cyber Space.  One of the most exciting is the
addition of 2 more 6 user packs. What that means is the addition of at
least 8 more phone lines!!! YEA!!! This means MORE users online at the
same time. More excitement in the games. More chatting going on. With
the addition of Chat Link... all 16+ of you can talk (chat) to hundreds
of others LIVE across the country (more on this below) We will be adding
many new modules to Cyber Space and here are just a few......

                        Chat Link
    Links Cyber Space BBS to other systems world wide - hundreds of
    users in the Teleconference area at one time... Includes another
    entire message/forum area with file attachments... You can send
    files to other users across the country..

                        OMNI MALL
     Allows users to purchase and order products and services online
     with a charge card....

                        VISA MAN
     You will be able to purchase credits with Visa or MasterCard and
     get the credits instantly......

                        MORE USER PACKS
     Allows for up to 20 nodes to be added to this system......

                        Photo Data Base
     Data Base where users can advertise and attach VGA photos that
     can be viewed online....

OK... that done with... how about the new features and additions to
Major BBS version 6.2?

                   File Libraries-Fully Ripped
      New file library area with full-screen tagging, super CD ROM
support, auto DIZ file extraction.. advanced searching and more...

                        New .QWK
      Integrated QWK mail for reading and writing messages offline..

                        New Polls and Questionnaires
      Has intelligent branching, account macros, auto tallying and
granting of files or credits.....

              New Ripped interface though entire system...

                        Support for 28.8k
      We will have 28.8 modems online for you speedsters..

Now that you know "SOME" of our exciting plans for THIS YEAR, here are
some of the hardware additions that will be done during the same period.

                        ADDITIONS or REPLACEMENTS:
Pentium 100MHz Motherboard and 16mb of ram
16 port serial card (16 modems)
8  14.4K and 28.8k modems
2  new motherboards for Door Computers
16 Megabytes of ram for Door Computers
2  Hard drives

We will be investing many thousands of dollars to make this work. Here
is a breakdown of some of those costs.

In hardware we will be investing over $3,800 in additional items
In Software we will be investing over $2,500 in additional items
                                TOTAL $6,300

   We had discussed increasing the rates so you would have to pay more
for each credit... We decided against it and are asking for donations
to Patron fund to help defray the substantial costs... We also hope
you consider Cyber Space for purchasing your computer items... We will
back our products... and we will be having a whole line of computer
services.... So please consider a donation and your name will be placed
in the BBS info center for eternity...

   Please send all donations to:
   Cyber Space
   P.O. Box 452
   Sauk Rapids, MN

Cyber Space will be the single largest BBS (we hope) in the entire upper
midwest!  We hope you find this combination of BBS's to be exciting and
fun.  Please, join in with us and send mail to CHRISTINE or mail to
RUSTY on the Major BBS and in pcboard, please send mail to SYSOP. Let us
know what you think. We are soooo excited about this and we were just
"busting out" to tell you.  Now that you know......... what do YOU
So, now you ask "when will this happen"?  We hope to move the computers
together the first of May sometime. We will follow up with more
information as we get closer.  For PCBoard users, there will be
"another" change of newsgroups. Some will be removed, but mostly since
there will not be any files online, we will have more drive space
available for news and mail. This will speed up access and provide
better overall improvement.
We are anxiously waiting to hear from you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and most of all, thank you
for supporting CYBER SPACE.

Rusty Townsend and Christine Blount (sysops)

Jim~ McNelly
ReSourceNet and GardenNet 612-654-8372, 656-0678 v.32bis
 * April 17th - ...everyday I write the book....

    Michael Million [MM24681@UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU]
    Byron Belitsos [71055.3435@COMPUSERVE.COM]
    Peg Seremjian [SEREMJIA@CS.UWP.EDU]
    James Appleby [L118096@zuni.LITC.LOCKHEED.COM]
    Dan Massey [massey@world.std.com]
    Lawrence London [LONDON@SUNSITE.UNC.EDU]
    Lee Fox [LFOX01@MAIL.MORE.NET]
    Tom Alexander [TALEXAN@CSOS.ORST.EDU]
    Paula Schenone [P.SCHENONE1@GENIE.GEIS.COM]
    Phil Calabrese [CALABRES@COD.NOSC.MIL]