
PRESS RELEASE - Please distribute

                     PRESS RELEASE (27th Oct 1994) 
              ESTABLISHMENT of the "ECOTECH Network" 
As the organizers of the Asian Conference on Ecotechnology for Sustainable 
Development (19-26th Oct), we are honored to make the following 
The 9-month long ECOTECH'94 Computer Conference, which was conducted via 
Internet to debate the opportunities of ecotechnologies, has resulted in 
the presentation of 43 papers from several countries including developing 
countries like Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Nepal, Czech Republic, 
The Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. This resulted in the formation 
of an informal electronic network of more than 2000 members. The 
organization of a face-to-face regional conference in Beijing, China, as 
the concluding activity of the "International Conference on Ecotechnology 
for Sustainable Development", was joined attended by several Chinese and 
international experts in all facets from ecotechnologies. 45 papers and a 
dozen video tapes were presented with their discussions. Field trips to 
"eco-sites" (villages, communes and counties) offered foreign guests a 
unique exposure to the pragmatic experiences in the country. The 
integrated use of ecotechnologies to achieve multipurpose objectives in 
China's efforts in moving towards sustainable development were seen on 
the ground.
        This year, the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences
(IVA) celebrated its 75th Anniversary with a series of symposia, and 
concluded it yesterday with an international gathering of distinguished 
guests for its "Information Technology Week". Together, through a 
teleconference, we concluded both activities. This made it a truly 
historical event, and the first between Sweden and China. The dialogue 
discussed the concepts of ecotechnology for sustainable villages and 
cities with a live report on field trips, activities in China and the 
presentation of follow-up plans of the "ECOTECH Network". The video 
conference was most inspiring for all participants.
         We concluded here that the "ECOTECH Network", supported by this
electronic network, wishes to pursue its work through : (1) a continued 
expansion of electronic activities via Internet, (2) publication of the 
proceedings of the conference and a "ECOTECH Newsletter" (3) development 
of curricula for training courses on ecotechnology for sustainable 
development, to be conducted in China and other countries, on selected 
topics for specific target groups, with the creation of a multimedia 
library of training materials; and (4) development of R&D projects in 
cooperation with other organizations.
    The Network wishes to inform interested parties of this
ground-breaking initiative. They are invited to join this effort to realize 
common objectives. If anyone is interested, we would be most willing to 
send more detailed information and materials.
    Prof. LI Wenhua                         Eng-Leong Foo
President, Special Commission on       ECOTECH'94 Network Manager 
Sustainable Development, CSSTSD,        eng-leong.foo@mtc.ki.se 
19 Zhongguancun Road,
Beijing 100080, China