
postings on LEPS-L

I've recently received pleas from two LEPS-L subscribers to remind
list participants that both LEPS-L and sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera
are intended for discussions of a lepidopterous persuasion.  Although
a trickle of postings about other critters is probably inevitable on
these forums, as the LEPS-L list owner, I'll offer a gentle request at
this time that we try to stick with butterflies and moths.

Note that the list ENTOMO-L carries discussions of a more general
entomological bent (hook up to it by sending "subscribe entomo-l
yourname" in the body of an e-mail message to listserv@uoguelph.ca).

Thanks for your consideration.

Lawrence F. Gall            internet:  lawrence.gall@yale.edu      :
Systems Office                 voice:  (203)-432-9892              :
Peabody Museum, Yale Univ.       FAX:  (203)-432-9816              :
New Haven, CT 06511 USA                                            :