
ET-012: The Solar Oven: A Tool of Sustenance

ECOTECH'94 invites you to join the discussion of the paper entitled:
"The Solar Oven: A Tool of Sustenance" by Mark Harrington (U.S.A.)

To receive this paper (available on May 9th), please join the
electronic mailing list "ET-LOKE". Address your e-mail to:
listserv@searn.sunet.se with the following message:

Mark's vocation is as an Industrial Hygienist for the State of
California.  His avocation is the design and construction of solar
ovens and other appropriate technology tools.  He is currently writing
a book exploring new paths toward global sustainability.  His
interests range from Anthropology, travel, mythology, microbiology,
shamanism, farming, music, and beyond...

From: Mr Eng-Leong Foo (ECOTECH'94 Network Manager)
UNESCO Microbial Resources Center, Karolinska Inst. 17177 Stockholm,
E-mail: eng-leong.foo@mtc.ki.se Fax:  46-8-331547
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