
New WWW Butterfly page in Europe

I would like to announce a new WWW butterfly page. It is maintained
by myself on a Linux-computer at the Twente University of Technology
(The Netherlands).

The page contains a listing of all Dutch (and Belgian) butterfly
species. This listing is clickable, so you can get information (and
a picture) of each species...well...soon anyway, I'm still working on
that. It also contains a list of books on Butterflies in Europe,
arranged by country. And of course a bunch of links to other entomology
sites on the World Wide Web.

ONE WARNING: The computer is not always online. But don't despair. Try
again later.

To visit my page you'll need a WWW-browser like MOSAIC or NETSCAPE.
The address is:

Hope you'll like it...

Johan T. Padding
Twente University of Technology
Department Applied Physics
email: j.t.padding@student.utwente.nl