
WEB Page on Farm Bill; BCS; HillNet (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 00:47:49 -0800 (PST)
From: Charles Benbrook <benbrook@hillnet.com>
To: sanet <sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu>
Subject: WEB Page on Farm Bill; BCS; HillNet

Many friends around the country have spoken with me about how they might 
stay abreast of farm bill developments electronically.  It is indeed 
going to be a fast paced year and many changes are inevitable.  I decided 
to try to help by developing a WEB page on the farm bill process and FY 
1996 budget cycle.  This message introduces SANET users to the page -- 
which is under construction and in many respects incomplete.  But it is 
there and I want to begin to see if any one will use it.  If not I will 
not put the time/money into maintaining it.

	I intend to continue adding material already in hand over the next 
week or so.  If there are things you would like me to add, send e-mail 
as instructed on the pages.  The WEB page for BCS is on my business and 
tries to give people a sense of what we do.  There are several links 
between the BCS page and the Farm Bill/sus ag page.

	The URL for the BCS page is:   

	And the URL for the Farm Bill page is:

	For those of you with pages, please build in a link to our farm 
bill page if you think it would be of interest to people using your page.

	For those of you interested in HillNet, I also enclose some general 
information on it.  I decided to start a computer/Internet business a few 
months ago with my friend and resident computer genius, John Evans.  We 
are up and running and working with a wide range of groups and 
individuals interested in working with the Net.  We keep waiting for that 
call from Newt, but I guess he has Thomas on his side...:

                      Computer and Internet Services

	Applications and Training

	We specialize in customized solutions to information management
and communication needs.  The World Wide Web (WWW) is a powerful way to
explore and utilize the reach of the Internet.  The Web is one of the most
convenient and low-cost ways to connect individuals, ideas, and
information.  We can design your Web page for you or with you, whether a
simple announcement of who you are, what you do, and how to get more
information, or a virtual storefront offering easy, immediate access to
products and services, or information and ideas.  We will help you find
the best way to place your Web page on the Net and sup port it on an
ongoing basis.  

	We can provide detailed information and advice on the range of
systems and telecommunication tools now available.  It is growing more
difficult to understand the advantages and disadvantages of different ways
to access and use the Internet, and which can be supported most
cost-effectively with your current hardware/software and employee skills. 
We can help you build a new system, or add to an existing one. 

	We specialize in Internet integration, applications, and support,
but are able to provide other services.  Whether stuck trying to get a
program or hardware to work, or just short of time, we offer Capitol Hill
clients quick and timely service.  Let us know what you need to get done
and we will help you find a way to accomplish your goals.  Call for more

For more information on HillNet, contact:
        John Evans (john@hillnet.com)
        HillNet (info@hillnet.com)
	Phone: (202) 544-4258
	409 First Street, S.E.
	Washington, D.C. 20003
