

to: Sanet-mg receivers
from: A.E. Deutsch
date: 21 Jan 94

Perhaps you're aware of the effort afoot to create/operate an 
international electronic BB for integrated pest management (IPM). The 
program started this past fall piggy-backed on another project (and its 
ageing equipment). The objective: to conduct an open forum and 
information source for fostering IPM worldwide. Nothing like a little 
ambition and vision!

However, there has been some discussion over a name: the overwhelming 
choice is IPMnet. My question: do any of you know if this term is in use, 
taken, not available, or otherwise unworthy? 

Would appreciate hearing soonest if anybody has a comment to offer. In a 
few days, we'll post further particulars about the program, how to access 
it, etc. Thanks, A.E. Deutsch
| E-mail:  deutscha@bcc.orst.edu                             |
| .........................................................  |
| IPMnet Newsletter, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center  |
| Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA     |
| .........................................................  |
| Fax: 01-503-737-3080   Direct voice line: 01-503-737-6275  |                         |