
IPMnet NEWS #18 -- How to See It

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[ IPMnet NEWS             May/June 1995            Issue no. 18 ]
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[          IPMnet, the Global IPM Information Service,          ]
[     operates through a cooperative agreement between the      ]
[       Consortium for International Crop Protection and        ]
[   the (U.S.) National Biological Impact Assessment Program.   ]
[                                                               ]

     Now IPMnet NEWS, a free, electronic, IPM information source, 
is available in various ways from any, or all, of three sources:
     (1.) Telnet-Gopher-FTP;
     (2.) World Wide Web; or 
     (3.) Direct to your e-mail box (semi-listserv).

     For information describing how to access sources (1) and (2), or, to 
indicate a preference for direct e-mail (3) and a copy of issue #18, send 
an e-mail message with your preferred address to:


     Also, please keep in mind that the NEWS is highly receptive to in-
formation about international IPM developments. Don't hesitate to forward 
(to the same e-mail address) items you believe would be interesting and 
beneficial to the worldwide IPM community.

     Thanks for your interest.    ---A.E. Deutsch
                                     IPMnet NEWS Coordinator