
Accessing IPMnet - Latest Info

     ACCESS INFORMATION - IPMnet Connectivity Options On Internet
     IPMnet offers several ways to connect to its information resources.
The following is a list of access options through Internet. Telnet, ftp, 
and gopher are standards; the others are convenient, but are not as readily 
available on many systems. Contact someone familiar with your system for 
further specific help if you encounter problems.

1.) Gopher
     Type: <gopher cicp.biochem.vt.edu> to connect. 

2.) Telnet
     Type: <telnet cicp.biochem.vt.edu>, and,
     at the prompt "cicp login:" type: <gopher>

3.) Anonymous ftp
     Type: ........................................  <ftp ftp.cicp.vt.edu>
     For "name," type: ............................  <anonymous>
     For "password," type: ........................  (your e-mail address)
     To change to the news directory, type: .......  <cd pub/cicp/news> 
     To transfer the IPMnet NEWS to your host, type: <get ipmnews> 
     To exit, type: ...............................  <bye> or <quit>

4.) ftpmail (via email) 
     To receive the latest issue of IPMnet NEWS, address your e-mail to 
an ftpmail server, such as:                                              

          Australia      ftpmail@cs.uow.edu.au
          France         ftpmail@grasp.insa-lyon.fr
          Germany        ftpmail@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de
          Great Britain  ftpmail@doc.ic.ac.uk
          Ireland        ftpmail@ieunet.ie
          Sweden         ftpmail@lth.se
          USA            ftpmail@sunsite.unc.edu
          USA            ftpmail@ftp.uu.net
          USA            ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com.

    The BODY of the message should consist of only ftp commands.
    Type (without the <>s and on 4 lines as shown):

          <connect ftp.cicp.vt.edu>
          <chdir pub/cicp/news>
          <get ipmnews>

    To get earlier IPMnet NEWS issues, type the third line in the form of: 
       "get news(mon).(year)" (spacing as indicated) 
    For example, to retrieve the September 1994 issue:
       Type: <get newssep.94>

    Some ftpmail servers are very busy; allow up to 24 hours for delivery. 
    You will receive the IPMnet NEWS as though it were regular e-mail.

5.) Finger  (not available on many systems)
    Type: <finger ipmnews@ftp.cicp.vt.edu | more> to view the document 
    onscreen with page pauses.

Note: The Resistant Pest Management Newsletter, published periodically, is 
also available through "finger" by substituting "rpmnews" for "ipmnews" 
in the above string.

                            D.M. King, Systems Administrator, IPMnet
                            e-mail: <cicp@vt.edu>
                            Phone: 01-703-231-3747


                  IPMnet NEWS on the WorldWide Web

     As of January 1995, IPMnet is linked to the National (U.S.) IPM 
Network, a group of government, education, and other organizations dedicated
to development and implementation of integrated pest management.
     As a result of this linkage, the IPMnet NEWS now can be accessed on 
the National IPM Network's world wide web system. The address is:

     URL - http://ipm_www.ncsu.edu

The specific address for the IPMnet NEWS is:

         - http://ipm_www.ncsu.edu/current_ipm/current_ipm.html

| E-mail: <deutscha@bcc.orst.edu>                            |
| .........................................................  |
| IPMnet NEWS  (A.E. Deutsch, coordinator/editor)            |
| c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center, 2040 Cordley Hall  |
| Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA     |
| .........................................................  |
| Fax: 01-503-737-3080               Phone: 01-503-737-6275  |