
New: irrigation-l List (fwd)

[Here is a new list on technical aspects of irrigation.  TH]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 1994 12:28:12 +0100
From: Thomas Stein <stein@wiz.uni-kassel.de>
To: Multiple recipients of list AGRIC-L <AGRIC-L@uga.cc.uga.edu>
Subject: New: irrigation-l List

        Announcement of the new Discussion List


 This mailing list is intended for the discussion in the field of
 irrigation theory and practice without any restrictions on the
 system used. Typically the material will be question-and-answer,
 where someone wants information on any problem in this field.
 In addition contributions to

  - research projects and results,
  - valuable experiences,
  - new technologies and products and
  - build up of an address-list of scientists, research institutes
    and irrigation farmers, who are engaged in irrigation

 are welcomed.

To subscribe to IRRIGATION-L send a mail to:
The "subject" field should be empty
In the first line of the mail just put:

subscribe IRRIGATION-L YourName


 Thomas-M. Stein
 University of Kassel (FB11)    Phone     : (+49)-5542-98-1632
 Dep. of Rural Engineering and  Fax       : (+49)-5542-98-1588
 Natural Resource Protection    Email     : stein@wiz.uni-kassel.de
 Nordbahnhofstr. 1a             WWW       : http://www.wiz.uni-kassel.de/kww
 D-37213 Witzenhausen (FRG)     List owner: IRRIGATION-L at LISTSERV@vm.gmd.de