
InfiNet BBS

Subject: InfiNet BBS

This message was from JEFFJI@TXINFINET.COM to ALL
originally in conference sci.environme on GRANITE (Granite City BBS)
and was forwarded to you by JIM MCNELLY
Message-ID: <3862526.1394271@txinfinet.txinfinet.com>
Newsgroup: sci.environment
Organization: InfiNet Austin Texas

When you have chance log on to InfiNet - an Austin based FirstClass BBS.

InfiNet is an online community for progressive information with extensive
conferences on environment and sustainablity, health and consciousness, and
education.  We support a graphical user interface for both Mac and Windows
3.1 users as well as command line - and have a large and rapidly growing
library of software, files and reference material available for download.  In
addition, InfiNet runs the FirstClass UUCP gateway for Internet email and
UseNet newsgroups.  We currently carry over 100 newgroups that relate to our
theme of providing progressive information.

InfiNet is a 4 line BBS running on US Robotics Sportster modems at 14.4 baud
v.42 bis.  Our dial in number is (512) 301 2151.  We plan to upgrade to ISDN
when it becomes available in Austin this Spring as well as offer TELNET
access via Internet.  InfiNet is currently being set in several locations in
the US, Mexico and Europe and if you are interested in becoming an InfiNet
site please feel free to contact us.

Enough promo - check us out sometime - get back to having fun on the

Jeff Evans
InfiNet, Ltd.

  Sent via FirstClass (R) UUCP Gateway from InfiNet
    an online community for progressive information
        Austin, Texas USA * BBS 512.301.2151