
This is a Add about Livestock Exchange network.

  I run a Bulletin Board System and I would like to tell you about a new
network that we started. I hope that this is OK to post here. If it is
not please let me know nicely and I will not post it again here. I try
hard to stay in the guild lines.

  Bufkin Ridge Ranch has Started and running a new network called
Livestock Exchange Network. We started this network because a lot
of people are getting in to the business of raising exotic animals.
And we wanted to start a support network for them. So they could
share information with other people from around the country.
 We have two different bulletin boards that have started carrying
the network now and we hope to get more soon.
 They are..

  Bufkin Ridge Ranch - (812)838-9053   main hub
  Adamscom Online    - (908)572-7490
  ATTENTION to Details (909)681-6221

 Here is the list of conferences that we have setup on the network.

 Livestock Exchange E-Mail
 Horse Talk
 Alpacas Talk
 Cattle Talk
 Hog Talk
 Ostrich Talk
 Sheep talk
 Sells and Events

   You can join in the network by calling Bufkin Ridge Ranch at
(812)838-9053 or one of the other Bulletin boards that are listed above.
 We just started out so the we need people to join and help us grow.
Please if you use a BBS that is a local call for you please tell them
about this network and try to get them to carry the network on their
board. If not you will always be welcome on my BBS.
   If we do not have a conference for the type of animal that you
raise let us know so we can add it to the network.

     Michael Deig - Sysop of Bufkin Ridge Ranch
                  A Family BBS that loves horses.


Article 2143 of alt.sustainable.agriculture:
Path: bigblue.oit.unc.edu!oit-mail2news-gateway
From: GORDONSE@steffi.uncg.edu
Newsgroups: alt.sustainable.agriculture
Subject: New MaxLife list
Date: 7 Feb 1994 17:58:03 -0500
Organization: University of NC at Greensboro
Lines: 70
Sender: daemon@samba.oit.unc.edu
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <01H8M2N5E01C8WWEF4@IRIS.UNCG.EDU>
NNTP-Posting-Host: samba.oit.unc.edu
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT

     Maxlife has been moved to a new site with new email options.

     MaxLife is a list for those working toward a positive, healthy life
style while at the same time choosing to avoid heavy consumerism.  It is
for people who choose their activities with careful consideration to the
pleasure they bring as well as all their costs. 

     If you like any of the following, you might like this list:

Voluntary Simplicity by Elgin
The Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn
One Circle Gardening by David Duhon
Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin
The Utne Reader
Veggie Life
Organic Gardening
Utne Salons

     Topics invited for posting include how you are simplifying your life,
how you are bringing more pleasure to yourself and others, tips for saving
money, low(er)-cost vegetarian recipes, things you like about your life
and things you want to change, groups you are involved with that support
your lifestyle/changes, books or magazines you would like to recommend,
other email lists or ftp sites related to the list, questions concerning
changes you would like to make, thoughtful or thought provoking quotes,
and any other related information. 

     Posters are requested to be helpful and constructive and avoid
flaming other posters.  The list is intended as an offering of helpful
ideas and not intended to pressure people into adopting a certain type or
level of lifestyle.  Please read all available MaxLife postings after
logging in before responding to avoid duplicate posts. 

     If you have any questions about or problems with your subscription,
write to the list's postmistress, Penny Ward, at:  crunchy@email.unc.edu . 

Address posts for the list to:  maxlife@email.unc.edu      or

Happy posting!

Sharon Gordon, Listowner

To subscribe, send a message to:  listserv@gibbs.oit.unc.edu .  The text of
the message should be:  sub maxlife Firstname Lastname (substituting your
own name for Firstname Lastname, of course).  Please be sure your request
goes to LISTSERV and not MAXLIFE. 

A digest option is available for Maxlife.  With this option set, the
listserver will send you just one posting each day, containing all of the
day's messages.  

To choose the digest option, send a message to: listserv@gibbs.oit.unc.edu
with the message:  set maxlife mail digest .  (Note the word "mail" in the
message.)  To stop receiving the digest and go back to receiving individual
postings, send a message to listserv@gibbs.oit.unc.edu with the message: 
set maxlife mail ack .