
Re: seminar info search


For you final topic of sustainable agriculture research and biotechnology 
you might consult the recent publication "Biotechnology and Sustainable 
Agriculture: A Bibliography." See below for more information.  

The publication is available at our gopher (gopher.nalusda.gov) under Info. 

Ray Dobert
Biotech. Info. Center, NAL/USDA
Beltsville, MD

On Fri, 6 Jan 1995, Joel B Gruver wrote:

> Hello SANET subscribers:
> I am teaching a seminar course on sustainable ag. research  this January
> that  will investigate the following 4 research areas:
> Soil Quality Assessment
> Agroforestry
> NewCrops/New Uses
> Biotech

> [text deleted]
> Joel Gruver
> Hampshire College Farm

A range of crops and agricultural products have been modified using the
molecular tools of biotechnology will likely be utilized in U.S.
agricultural systems in the near future.  At the same time, an increasing
number of farmers are adopting sustainable cultural practices.  Are these
two developments compatible? 

Over the past decade a body of literature has accumulated addressing this
question.  This Special Reference Brief (SRB 94-13), prepared jointly by
the Biotechnology Information Center and the Alternative Farming Systems
Information Center of the USDA's National Agricultural Library, contains
citations and keywords to 127 books, reports, magazine and journal
articles that focus on this issue.  It provides an introduction to the
debate surrounding the use of biotechnology in sustainable farming
systems.  While not an exhaustive search of the literature, its purpose is
to serve as a foundation upon which to build a continuing dialogue. 

The scope of literature covered is broad, and includes the impact of
biotechnology on technical deployment of alternative control methods, e.g.
biocontrol and integrated pest management (IPM), as well as the cultural
and sociological issues surrounding the changes that this new technology
might bring to agriculture.  Agriculture is a global enterprise, so many
of the articles focus on the international arena and role of biotechnology
in sustainable development in developing countries.  Several bibliographic
databases, including AGRICOLA and CAB Abstracts, were used to locate
appropriate citations. 

This publication is now available from the Biotechnology Information
Center or the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.  To receive
a copy by mail please send a self-addressed label to one of the
addresses below.  The bibliography is also available at the NAL gopher 
at gopher.nalusda.gov. Look under Information Centers --> Biotechnology 
Information Center --> Bibliographies 

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact: 
Biotechnology Information Center     
National Agricultural Library, Fourth Floor
10301 Baltimore Blvd.
Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2351, USA.
301-504-7098 fax

Alternative Farming Systems 
Information Center
National Agricultural Library, Fourth Floor
10301 Baltimore Blvd.
Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2351, USA.
301-504-6409 fax

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