

March 2, 1996 
Dear Natural Foods and Health Internet User: 
We are presently building a significant World Wide Web site focused on
natural foods,  health and the environment.  Natural.Net, which will be
located on a server capable of over one million "hits" per day when
operational in May of this year,  will be a natural foods, health and
environmental information resource located on the Internet.  Natural.Net
will provide information about every natural foods, health and
environmental store, restaurant, product, service, organization, supplier,
grower and event in North America as well as offering other interesting and
useful content.  
Natural.Net will consist of these on-line resources and components: 
- North America Natural Foods Store Locator and Guide 
- North America Natural Foods Restaurant Locator and Guide 
- North America Organic Growers Locator and Guide 
- North America Natural Foods Manufacturer and Suppliers Locator and Guide 
- Natural Health Services Locator and Guide 
- Natural Products Locator 
- "Green / Environmentally Friendly" Products Locator 
- Natural Community and Charitable Organization Pages  
- Natural Events Calendar 
- Natural Products Press Release Listings 
- Natural.Net Electronic Magazine  
- Natural.Net Shareware Software Area 
- Natural Life Classified Ads 
How can you help us make Natural.Net an even better resource for the
natural foods and health community?  There are a number of ways: 
- Let us know what you think.  Natural.Net is an evolving entity which will
grow as the Internet grows. We take your ideas and thoughts very seriously.

- Help us improve the accuracy of our listings.  Every Natural Foods ,
Health and Environmental Store, Restaurant, Grower, Manufacturer and
Supplier in North America will be listed on the Natural.Net World Wide Web
site.  Our initial listings are drawn from databases and yellow pages
files.  As such, there may be some errors or inconsistencies in the data. 
Please send us updated information about your natural company and
organization or those that you know so we can be sure to keep our listings
current and more complete. 
- Consider having space for your company, service or organization on
Natural.Net.  While address/telephone number listings are no charge, a fee
must be applied to larger  listings, links, classified ads or web pages on
Natural.Net. These fees cover the costs associated with  the powerful
computer hardware, manpower, internet communications services and bandwidth
that Natural.Net has.  Please let us know of your interest and we'll be
happy to send you more information or call you. 
- Send us information about your organization. Charitable organizations
focused on natural foods, health and the environment will receive free
descriptive listings on Natural.Net 
- Send us information about your company or group's natural foods or health
event for listing in Natural.Net's events calendar web pages. 
- Send us copies of press releases about your company, organization or
products for our Natural Products Press Release area. 
- Have you written any articles about natural foods, holistic health or the
environment?  Submit them to the Natural.Net Electronic Magazine editor. 
If suitable we will publish them.  
We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you soon. 
Please Note: We are waiting for formal assignment of the  domain name for
Natural.Net.  Until then,  we are holding off placing  publicly accessible
web pages onto our server.  As soon as the URL is available we will let you
know so you can come and take a look. 
Chuck Schwartz 
Field Resource Group 
Post Office Box 219,  Glenwood Landing  NY 11547  
(516) 759-7074  /  (516) 759-5746  fax 
frg@pipeline.com e mail 

Fri 8 Oct 93  5:50
By: John Willis
Re: Natural stuff...

                         NatureNet BBS

Focussing on policy, research, and legal issues that relate to
the individual's inherent right to access natural health care
goods and services and to live a natural lifestyle.

(301) 585-5680  Data:  300-2400 Baud.  N-8-1.
(301) 589-3146  Voice
(301) 589-3950  Fax

Fidonet : 1:109/349.123, CM, XA
Internet: john.willis@permanet.org

Currently carrying the following conferences:

AIDS/ARC                     INDIAN_AFFAIRS
ANEWS (Alternative News)     INTERUSER
ASIAN_LINK                   LAW
CANPOL (Canadian Politics)   NUTRITION
CFS                          sci.med (usenet group)
CIVLIB (Civil Liberties)     SUST_AG
ECONET                       USA_EURLINK
HERBS-N-SUCH                 WORLDTLK
                             sci.med.nutrition (usenet group)

also home of Dietary_Supplements, Traditional_Health_Care, Herbs
and other specialized conferences.

Current file areas:
Acupuncture                        Indigenous People's Affairs
Ailments                           Legal
Biological effects of EMF/Rads     Legislative & Policy
Country Information                Miscellaneous
Environment                        Music
Food and Diet                      Networking; misc. software-DOS
Herbs                              Vitamins-minerals-amino acids

   FULL FREE ACCESS to message & file areas ON FIRST CALL !!!


      Fax services to Congress also available.
    Sysops - ask about our downlink capabilities.

 * Origin: NatureNet BBS - (301) 585-5680 - 1:109/349.123

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