
SUBSCRIBE SAED-SHARE-L london@sunsite.unc.edu Lawrence London


You are now a subscriber to the SAED-SHARE-L mailing list.

Please save this message for future reference, because it contains
information you will need on managing your list subscription and for
obtaining documentation and assistance.

Your subscription address
Your subscription address for this list has been recorded as:
To be recognized as a valid subscriber, you must send all your
postings and administrative commands from that address.

Posting to the list
To send mail to all other list subscribers, use this address:
Be sure to use this address ***ONLY*** when you want to send mail to
EVERYONE ON THE LIST.  Do not use this address to issue administrative
commands, described in the next section.

Submitting administrative commands
You have control over certain aspects of how you get mail from the
list.  This control is exercised via the submission of adminstrative
commands directly to the "mailing list server", the machine/program
that implements mailing lists at Cornell.  The mailing list server is
known as "listproc", and any administrative request must be sent to
the server at this address:
Please note that mail sent to this address is processed by a machine,
not a person.  See the section on "Who to contact with problems"
for information on how to reach a real person.

The section below on "Getting documentation" explains how to obtain a
description of the various administrative commands that may be issued.

Your subscription password
Your password for this list is:
This password applies only to this particular mailing list.  You will
need to use this password only when you need to change your
subscription address, or if you wish to remove yourself from all lists
maintained by the Cornell Mailing List server via a single command.

You may change this password, but note that mailing-list passwords are
not secure.  You should therefore not select the same password you use
for logins, network identifiers, or other secure systems.

Getting documentation
For details on changing passwords and for a full description of all
features and commands of this mailing-list system, send mail to:
containing this single line of text:

A document tailored specifically for Cornell mailing lists is also
available.  It is called "How to Use Mailing Lists" (How To-61), and
may be accessed via a World Wide Web page:

Who to contact with problems
If you encounter problems with this mailing list, please contact the

A second source of assistance is the Cornell mailing list manager, who
oversees the running of the mailing list server.  To reach the
manager, send mail to:

In any correspondence about your subscription, please be sure to
- the name of the list in question
- a full description of what the problem is
- any error/notification messages you may have received.

How to unsubscribe from the list
To leave the list at any time, send mail to:
containing this single line of text:
You must send this mail from the same e-mail address you used to
subscribe (namely, london@calypso-2.oit.unc.edu).

The above material applies to all mailing lists maintained by Cornell.
What follows is additional information provided by the owner(s) of the

>>Welcome to SAEd-Share-L Electronic Conference
>>***Please Print and Save These Instructions***
>>This mail list is the Sustainable Agriculture Education Share List
>>Electronic Conference. We began in February 1995 and will extend our
>>activities for at least one year, until March 1996.
>>SAEd-Share-L is a project of the Consortium for Sustainable Agriculture
>>Research and Education, and is moderated from the Department of Education
>>at Cornell University by Nancy Grudens Schuck and Joshua Slotnick. Contact
>>information is given at the end of this document.
>>SAEd-Share-L was created so that you might quickly and cheaply share
>>educational materials and ideas on education for sustainable agriculture.
>>Directions on Goals, and Getting Started Follow. Also, **please** complete,
>>cut and paste and send the **short** questionnaire at the end to us.
>>If you would like a one-page camera-ready hardcopy poster announcing
>>SAEd-Share to send to others, please contact us (contact information
>>GOAL 1: To Share Educational Materials
>>EXAMPLES: Send to everyone on the SAEd-Share-L subscriber list, any of the
>>following: curricula for college students in land grant and 1890 colleges,
>>liberal arts, and alternative institutions; original extension materials
>>for farmers, including articles written by you for local extension news;
>>materials from non-profits; materials farmers share with each other to
>>further learning, or for educating non-farmers. We are certainly interested
>>in receiving newsletters of organizations and published materials, but THE
>>MATERIALS THAT DON'T USUALLY GET SHARED. So please don't hesitate to send
>>classroom units on integrating agricultural systems, farm organization
>>instructions on ways to set up experimental networks, etc.
>>We keep 'back issues' in our archives. If you are interested, please
>>contact us.
>>GOAL 2: To Discuss Educational Methods and Key Issues in Education for
>>Sustainable Agriculture
>>Beginning March, 1995, we will suggest topics for discussion. Example of
>>topics already suggested: use of field days; on-farm research;
>>farmer-researcher collaborations and other participatory methods;
>>strategies used at the new Extension training programs under Chapter 3
>>federal funds; sus ag programs at colleges - what's strong and what's
>>missing?; how do we teach and learn about integration of systems? PLEASE
>>1. TO SEND A MESSAGE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS (this is what you will want to do
>>most of the time): Send to the address <SAEd-Share-L@cornell.edu>. Do not
>>include 'greater than/less than' signs. Please note that this address
>>contains DASHES, **not** underlines. Also, there are no spaces between
>>characters. The address is *not* case sensitive. Please also note that the
>>list server at Cornell will *NOT* accept the following words in the
>>address: 'help', 'remove', ''delete', 'add', or 'remove'. For instructions
>>on how to perform these function correctly see #4 below. YOU DO NOT NEED
>>used when accessing SAEd-Share commands, which we prefer you do **not** do
>>unless proficient with listserv mechanics. See also #6 below.
>>2. We suggest that you 'watch' for no more than a week or so, then send a
>>message that introduces yourself. This intro is in *addition* to the
>>questionnaire at the end of this message.
>>3. TO REPLY TO A MESSAGE or comment on educational materials, you may send
>>via SAEd-Share-L in three ways: First, you may choose the automatic REPLY
>>function on your e-mail manager, then type a response.  Your message will
>>then be sent to the **ENTIRE* subscriber list. This is what you should do
>>most of the time. The second option is to TYPE IN the person's e-mail
>>address to whom you would like to privately respond, and the message will
>>be sent only to them. We suggest you keep personal messages in this second
>>4. UNSUBSCRIBING OR SUBSCRIBING are done by sending *command* messages NOT
>>to SAEd-Share-L, but to <listproc@cornell.edu>. To subscribe, type in the
>>body of the message: {subscribe SAEd-Share-L <your e-mail address> <your
>>full name>}. Include no other information, and make sure your 'signature
>>function' is turned *off*. To unsubscribe send a message of <unsubscribe
>>SAEd-Share-L> to the address <listproc@cornell.edu>.
>>5. SENDING LONGER DOCUMENTS can be done in two ways. If your text is less
>>than 10 pages, you can cut and paste the text into an e-mail message, and
>>it will get sent in one, two or three 'chunks' to everyone on the list.  If
>>your text is longer than 10 pages, please send as an ASCII or SAVE AS TEXT
>>document. In the body of the e-mail message please indicate WHAT is
>>attached and FORMAT of the attachment. For example: {HI! I have sent our
>>local extension fact sheet on the three kinds of whole farm planning in our
>>area (HRM, the Ontario Plan, and nutrient management), as an attachment
>>saved in ASCII - its about 15 pages. Thanks, Annie Extension, Fulroy
>>County). Or you can send us a disk, or call us.
>6. For further information about listserv commands, such as ways to access
>>archives, change address, postpone mail while you are away, or our plans to
>>have World Wide Web and FTP venues, please contact us. If you feel
>>comfortable with listserv mechanics and would like to do these things
>>yourself, you will need the password given above.
>>SAEd-Share-L is a project of the Consortium for Sustainable Agriculture
>>Research and Education. The mission of the Consortium is to facilitate
>>cooperation among researchers, extension workers, other educators, farmers,
>>advocates and other professionals in order to enhance their individual and
>>collective capacity to conduct research and education, and to shape
>>research and policy toward a more sustainable agriculture and food system.
>>SAEd-Share-L is only one of several Consortium projects. To get the
>>Consortium newsletter or for future information, contact Elizabeth Bird,
>><csare@macc.wisc.edu>. Please give full U.S. mail as well as e-mail
>>address, and ask about back issues.
>>SAEd-Share-L is managed by Nancy Grudens Schuck and Joshua Slotnick,
>>graduate students in the Department of Education at Cornell University. We
>>are working together with Chuck Francis, extension professor at University
>>of Nebraska, Elizabeth Bird of CSARE and the Center for Rural Affairs,
>>Walthill, Nebraska, and Dave Deshler, professor, Department of Education,
>>Cornell University.
>>CONTACT with problems or questions: Nancy Grudens Schuck <ng13@cornell.edu>
>>or Joshua Slotnick <jhs8@cornell.edu>, Department of Education, Kennedy
>>Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853.
>>QUESTIONNAIRE: Please choose cut and paste into an e-mail message and send
>>to the address: <ng13@cornell.edu>.
>>1. Name:
>>2. E-Mail
>>3. Institution/Farm/Organization
>>4. Full Address
>>5. Phone and Fax
>>6. Position
>>7. Interests
>>8. Where did you hear about SAEd-Share-L?
>>9. What do you want out of SAEd-Share-L?
>>10. Other Comments?
>>Nancy Grudens Schuck
>>108 Kennedy Hall
>>Dept. Education
>>Cornell University
>>Ithaca, NY 14853
>>(607) 255-4197
>Nancy Grudens Schuck
>108 Kennedy Hall
>Dept. Education
>Cornell University
>Ithaca, NY 14853
>(607) 255-4197

Nancy Grudens Schuck
Graduate Student
Department of Education
Kennedy Hall, Cornell University
Ithaca, Ny 14853
(607) 255-4197
(607) 255-1935
"e-mail is preferred"