
Sus Ag Education List (2nd post)

To SANNETERS: This is a second announcment (since spring '95) of a list
intended to focus on educational issues in sustainable agriculture, called
SAED-Share-L (Sustainable Agriculture Education Share List). Since the
SANET posts have been actively addressing such issues, I thought I would
repost subscription information.

SAED-Share focuses on educational issues in sustainable agriculture and
food systems. We encourage educators of children, teens, young adults at
the college and vocational level, and adults (farming and nonfarming) to
subscribe. The list has about 200 subscribers, and includes extension
educators, faculty and staff who teach agroecology courses and who work
with extension staff, k-12 school teachers, farmers involved in
farmer-to-farmers networks, and other community development workers with
connections to agriculture.

We share syllabi, discuss educational methods, and talk about who educates
whom in the sustainable ag world. We are a low volume list, but restricted
in focus: we address educational methods and process issues, *not*
technical stuff (crops, inputs, livestock) or non-educational policy

Most posts are in English, but a few have been in Spanish, since the list
is developing good connections to educators from Latin America. Subscribers
are from North and Latin America, Britian, Australia and New Zealand. WE

SAEd-Share-L is a project of the Education Task Force of the Consortium for
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (CSARE), and is managed by a
team that includes Nancy Grudens Schuck, graduate student, Cornell
University; Chuck Francis, Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems,UNL;
Elizabeth Bird, CSARE, and Dave Deshler, Dept. Education, Cornell


To subscribe, send a message to listproc@cornell.edu

In the text, type: subscribe SAED-Share-L yourname


That's it! Questions: Nancy Grudens Schuck at ng13@cornell.edu

Nancy Grudens Schuck
Kennedy Hall
Dept. Education
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853