
New Sus Ag Ed Listserv


Sustainable Agriculture Education Electronic Conference


new e-mail based listserv for individuals interested in education for
sustainable agriculture and sustainable food systems.

The new list is called <SAEd-Share-L>. We hope to provide a focus on educational
strategies, methods and curriculum. Topics will include participatory education
and research; use of field days and focus groups; curriculum in sustainable ag
programs in higher education; use of 'school farms' by liberal arts, alternative
and land grant colleges; discussion of ways to 'teach integration' and to teach
in interdisciplinary ways; questions of values and ethics in education for
sustainability; and additional topics as people are interested. We will
especially encourage of posting curriculum, fact sheets, worksheets, and
'nitty-gritty' portions of educational efforts, particulary if they are
'in-the-works' and unlikely to be shared otherwise.

We welcome educators of *all types*: faculty and staff from colleges and
universities; educators from non-profit organizations; farmers and consultants;
students; and extension and agency staff.

To subscribe, follow these directions (Please do not include parentheses of any
kind. Please also remember to turn off your 'signature' feature, if you have
one.) Here goes: send an e-mail message TO: <listproc@cornell.edu>. Do not
include anything in the SUBJECT section of the message. In the body
of the message type: <subscribe SAEd-Share-L> <your e-mail address> <your full
name>. Don't include anything else in the message. Please contact us with
problems : Nancy Grudens Schuck (ng13@cornell.edu) or Joshua Slotnick

*********** BEGIN EXAMPLE OF TEXT ***********

subscribe SAEd-Share-L ae1@frm.county.off Annie Extension

*********** END Example ************

Special note to SANETers: We expect significant overlap of *PARTICIPANTS* with
SANET, but do not expect to duplicate *TOPICS* of SANET. To keep
duplication to a minimum, please do not, if you distribute a newsletter,
post large general announcements to both sites. Thanks! Any questions about
this can be directed
to: Nancy Grudens Schuck, ng13@cornell.edu.

SAEd-Share-L is a project of the Consortium for Sustainable Agriculture Research
 and Education. For information on the Consortium, or to receive a newsletter,
send e-mail to: Elizabeth Bird, csare@macc.wisc.edu. Please include your U.S.
mail address as well as e-mail. SAEd-Share-L is managed by Nancy Grudens Schuck
and Joshua Slotnick, graduate students at the Department of Education at
Cornell University, Kennedy Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 255-4197, in
cooperation with Chuck Francis, Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems,
University of Nebraska, and David Deshler, Department of Education, Cornell


Nancy Grudens Schuck
108 Kennedy Hall
Dept. Education
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 255-4197