
Re: Southern Gardening List

In article <3p5sno$bfq@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, admstyping@aol.com says...
>Does anyone know of a southern gardening mail list?  If you do, please
>respond to my e-mail at admstyping@aol.com.
>Thank you, Lydia

Hello Lydia,
  A group of gardeners, many from Texas, met here on the Internet a few 
months ago and started a little group.  It has been focused mostly 
on gardening in the Texas climes during that time; however, we certainly 
encourage participation from anyone, and would welcome any new member to the 
group no matter where you hail from (oops, that's a dirty word here in 
Dallas at the moment!).  After our little group formed we found a list 
server that was idle and got permission to use it:  RES-GARD.  Please feel 
free to come join us!
  To join the listserver, send a mail message to LISTSERV@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU 
with message text as follows:  SUBSCRIBE RES-GARD <your name>
Once you have subscribed, you will receive a confirmation that you have 
been added to the list.  To send messages to the list members, you will use 
the address RES-GARD@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU.  That's all there is to it!

The more the merrier...we welcome all!

in north Dallas, TX, where my magnolia has started to bloom (to die for -- 
gorgeous!), my lilies are blooming in several brilliant colors, I have 
strawberry plants so big they're ready to burst out of their beds (and 
runners galore!), hollyhocks shooting upwards daily, lettuce in full swing, 
and tomatoes and peppers fixin' to bring forth their bounty...I'm so 
excited...this is my first garden!